~chapter 27~

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Gus's pov:

Dear Diary,

This is a new diary since my other one got left behind in the Boiling Isles. I really hope everyone is okay. I don't know if Belos somehow survived and carried out his draining spell. If we weren't able to stop it. Or if there is even a Boiling Isles anymore.

It's been about a month since we got stranded in the human realm. Stranded sounds a bit... exaggerated, but I can't think of a better word right now. I mean, we're just 4 witch teenagers from another world with no way home because the portal to our world was destroyed and we don't know how to fix it, or if we can even fix it.

This is so bad. It is so, so bad.

I miss everyone, everything. I miss my dad, I miss my stuff, heck- I even miss school!! But most of all, I miss Matt.

Is he okay? Did he get affected by the draining spell? Is he alright? Is he even still alive?? And if he is, does he know I am? What if he hates me for leaving without saying goodbye? What if he didn't find what I left for him and never finds out what happended to me if we don't make it back? What if he finds someone else? What if he hates my guts?

I would if I were him. I'd hate me so fucking much, words couldn't describe it.

Anyway, Luz has been working nonstop to find a way home, im worried about her. She needs to get more sleep, she stays up all night trying to figure out a glyph to open up the portal. I'm trying to be optimistic, but I don't know how well things are going to end up for us...

~end of entry~

He closes up the diary and looks around the room the Noceda's let him and Hunter stay in, granted- it was the basement so it wasn't technically a room, but he was greatly thankful nonetheless.

He looks over and sees Hunter fast asleep on the sleeping bag.

It's nice to see him actually sleeping, he used to stay up at all hours of the night when we first got here. Probably due to his job as the 'golden guard' back home.

Back home.....

Tears start to form in his eyes. He had managed not to cry while writing but for some reason he was starting to unravel right now.

He covered his mouth with his hands so he wouldn't wake up Hunter. He stood up, still covering his mouth, and tiptoed over to the bathroom in the basement.

Being careful to not make much noise, he turns on the light amd locks the door. Once he does that, he slides down against the door. Letting the tidal wave of tears collide down his skin.

Suddenly he hears a small knocking on the door. Hunter whispers just loud enough so Gus can hear him, "Hey Gus, can you please open the door?"

Startled by this, he just shakes his head. He knows it's stupid because Hunter can't see it, but he doesn't want to talk. Talking only hurt people, and he did t want to hurt anyone.

He sits there for another minute-or-so, sobbing to himself. Then he hears another knock, a little bit louder than before, but not aggressive, it was more concerned.

"Gus, can you please open the door for me?" Hunter says calmly through the door.

Gus quickly wipes his eyes, trying not to show anything is wrong. Them he stands up and unlocks the door. As he opens it he plasters a big, fake smile across his face.

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