~Chapter 13~

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Matt POV:

It had been about an hour later and Gus decided he should head home. Just then I realized two things. One, I should probably get another potion for his leg. And two, I hadn't even given him my number yet. So how could he text me asking to come over?

(He said that Gus could come over anytime as long as he texted him in advance) (That was in the last chapter btw :3 )

We both stood up and walked downstairs to the door. Before I opened the door for him I said, "Hey, there's two things I almost forgot about".

"Oh, what is it?" He asked. I quickly ran to the basement and grabbed the potion off of Cora's desk. I ran back upstairs and handed it to him. "That's the first thing. The second thing is this." And with that I handed him a piece of paper with my number on it.

His face turned a little bit red. Which was kind of cute. He took the paper and said, "Oh yeah, thanks! I'll text you sometime tonight." I felt my face heat up a little.

And with that, I opened up the door for him and he walked back home.

I stayed by the door for a minute or so, hoping he might have forgotten something. But that was stupid because he didn't bring anything to begin with.

The house felt... empty. I normally like an empty house, it's nice and quiet so I can relax. But this kind of empty wasnt like that. I shake it off and go upstairs to my room to watch some TV.

I turn on the TV hoping to drown out my thoughts. But it's no use. I can feel myself blushing uncontrollably, so I cover my face with a pillow. I know it was stupid. Nobody was home. Nobody was looking. But it just made me feel better.

I don't know why I feel the way I do around Gus. I mean, two boys.... holding hands.... smiling at eachother.... in love with eachother.... society wouldn't accept that.... would it?

Ugh, I don't know. Maybe Gus thinks that stuff is weird. And I won't confirm anything. The thought of it scares me. I'm not sure why. My parents aren't homophobic, neither is Cora, or Steve. I'm not, so why do I feel so scared that I might like....

No, stop it Mattholomule. Stop thinking. Clear your stupid head. Get rid of those stupid thoughts. Stupid stupid stupid. That's all I am. A stupid boy who won't amount to anything. Why? Because everyone at school says so. The students. The teachers. The kids in the halls. The kids who say I'm their "friend". There's no friends at Glandis. No comfort. No nothing.

Gus POV:

I said goodbye to Matt and started to walk back home. I didn't want to go home, but I'm glad I got to spend some time with him. It really helped to take my mind off things. Maybe he isn't so bad after all.

I shove the piece of paper with his number on it into my pocket so that my dad doesn't see. He might ask lots of questions about it. I understand why he'd ask questions, kinda, but I just really want personal space.

I really need to talk to Willow about what happened today with my parents. I might ask to meet her at the park or something tomorrow. There's something else I want to talk about too... but I dont know if I can talk about it just yet.

When I get home my dad is on the couch. He waves and says, "Hi Gus, glad you're home!" He says it like nothing happened. Like nothings changed. Like everything is fine. It makes me sick.

I wave and walk upstairs to my room. I'm just too tired to think about anything right now. I turn on TV to quiet my head. As I watch, I practice making illusions of the characters on the screen.

I end up watching TV till 11 pm. I didn't notice how late it was. But I eventually passed out sleeping on the floor, my blanket wrapped around me.

~Time skip~

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