~chapter 28~

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Matt's pov:

Dear Diary,
I'm writing this to document all I know about the day of unity and Emperor Belos' plans for it. Of course that's not all I'm going to wrote about, seeing as i don't know a lot about the plans for the day of unity and such...

I'll start with a humble introduction then! Hi, I'm Gus. My actual name is Agustus, but my human friend Luz (she's really cool) called me Gus one day and said it would be my human nickname! It's pretty cool if you ask me.

I'm currently in the illusions track and my professors say I'm really advanced for my age. I think they're just overreacting, but it's a nice gesture.

I'd like to consider myself really lucky. I have amazing friends who care about me. But above all else, I have the best boyfriend ever. His name is Mattholomule, but pretty much everyone just calls him Matt. He's really sweet, and even if he doesn't like to let others see that he cares, he does. He gets worried over really small things and it's really sweet when he asks if somethings wrong. He always knows how to cheer me up when I'm having a crappy day and makes me feel safe. Words can't express how much I love him. I know we've only been dating about a month now, but this boy has me head over heels.

That's about all from me, I'll wrote again soon! Bye!

~End of entry~

Matt stares at the page, tears ready in his eyes. He heard all of it in Gus' voice. It was almost as if he was in the room, talking to him.

He looks into the empty space in his room and makes a circle. Then, there stood Gus. He looks up at Matt with his big, happy eyes amd walks over to him.

Matt leans his head against Gus', their noses almost touching.

Then he mouths the words, "I love you.." barely speaking, and breaks the spell

Amd when he opens his eyes again Gus is gone. Matt is left standing there, in the middle of his bedroom floor.

A single tear falls from his cheek as he smiles sadly.

He picks up the notebook and brings it over to his bed. He sits ontop of the covers and reads another entry from the journal... and another and another. He can't stop. It's as if somehow, this journal had given him hope that Gus might come back if he just read enough.

Then he finds this entry;

Dear Diary,
I know what the emperor is going to do. It's so awful. It's so much worse than we thought. He's going to preform a spell on the day of unity that will drain the people of the Boiling isles of all their magic. I don't know what this will entail for everyone. What will happen to them? Will they all die? Will they just lose their ability to do magic? Anything we think might happen could happen, and it's terrifying. I don't know how we'll stop him, but we have to.

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