~chapter 6~

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✨️Art up here is by me! Yall no the rules, no reposting my art, thanks! <3✨️

⚠️tw, slight mentions of gore/blood in this chapter. Stay safe and dont read if any of these trigger you⚠️

Matt's POV:

I was watching TV in the living room when someone started knocking on my door really loudly. What? Who's knocking so loudly- I open the door to see Willow holding Gus. Gus was bleeding and unconscious. My heart sank, what the hell happened?

"CORA!! GET OVER HERE NOW!" I yelled. I brought Willow to the bathroom and she set Gus down. Blood was getting everywhere, shit, moms gonna kill me- whatever. Gus needs help. Cora came into the room half asleep, "Holy shit dude! What happened?" Willow started to explain but I stopped her. "It doesn't matter right now, go get your healing kit- Gus needs it!" She sprints out the door and is back in an astoundingly short amount of time. I look over at Gus and I froze completely. Willow was hugging him and he was just laying there, unconscious. It hurt me to see him like this, I wanted to help- but I didn't know how.

He started to stir awake and instantly cried out in pain. Willow was calmly speaking to him, telling him to breathe, she was also doing these weird hand things- idk. But it was surprising how calm she sounded because she looked anything but calm. I mean, I sure as he'll am not, and she had to carry him here!

Gus looked at me from the side of his eyes and instantly looked away- did I do something wrong? - he hugged Willow with one hand and he reached out his other hand for me to hold it. I held his hand without a seconds hesitation while my sister started to fix up his leg. She said, "It doesn't look like you need stitches but it's definitely a pretty bad cut. Who did this to you?" Gus just shook his head, not saying anything. Cora looked confused but said, "Okay then- well, im going to put some ointment on the cut and then bandage it up, okay?". Gus nodded and calmed down a little bit.

About 10 minutes later Cora finished helping Gus. She told us to stay here and keep an eye on Gus while she made a potion that would help numb the pain and boost the healing of the cut.

Gus let go of Willow but still held both of our hands. Wait, im holding hands with Gus, holy shit. I felt my face get red but quickly got a hold of myself. You need to be aware of how Gus is doing, get a hold of yourself Matt. Willow gives me a weird look, she wiggles her eyebrows and points at Gus with her eyes. .....I think she knows, crap I glare at her and give her a "shut it" kind of look. She smirks and checks on Gus again, "How are you feeling Gus?". He lifted his head up from where he was resting it on his knees. He gives a weak smile and says, "I'm fine."

Cora came back in and gave him the potion. He drank it without hesitation. "It should take affect within half-an hour. I suggest staying here till it starts working." With that she walks off and leaves the three of us sitting there. Gus rests his head back on his knees. Wow, he must be in so much pain right now. Who did this to him?

He turns his head slightly and looks at me, "Thanks Matt." he says tiredly. I smile back and say, "Hey, it's fine dude. That's what friends are for." Hm, friends- I like that.. "Oh, I'm going to get you a new pair of clothes- mostly because yours are kinda... covered in blood and whatnot.." He smiles and nods. I go upstairs to grab a pair of my clothes to lend to Gus.

Gus POV:

I smile at Matt as he leaves the room and look over at Willow. "Willow- I'm really sorry...". She snaps and almost yells, "Gus! Why didn't you tell me Boscha was hurting you!? We could have told someone! You know she has no limits on how she'd hurt anyone!! She could have seriously hurt you!". Tears are practically streaming out of her eyes. She hugged me really tight, i sighed and half-hugged her back, apologizing repeatedly. I started crying again, just saying sorry over and over and over again.

Willow let go of me and calmed herself down. Just then Matt came back with a shirt and some pants for me to borrow. I thank him and they both leave so I can change. "Just come up to my room when you're done" Matt said.


(End scene)
This chapter was really fun to write ngl. I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your day, even if it's almost over for some of you. Get some sleep my lovlies!

Again, thank you so much for reading this, it makes me happy to think that some people actually like my stupid little story. Yall deserve one of these!
---> 🍪❤️

Healing Hearts (Gus x Matt) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang