~chapter 20~

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Gus pov:

We get back to my house. My dad isn't home yet, Thank Titan... I'll just leave hum a note I guess.

I take him upstairs to my room. It's quite a bit smaller than his room... but I hope he doesnt mind.

We set our school stuff down and sit on my floor. "Ok, want me to start helping you with the illusions homework?" He smiles and says, "ok".

"Ok" I say, "Illusions are a bit hard to get started with. But after you make a few, it's really easy. All you need to do is picture something in your mind and then" I draw a circle with my fingers in the air "turn it into a spell"

When I complete the circle there are sparkles all around the room. Matt looks around, amazed.

He sits up straight and focuses. He starts to draw a circle. When he closes the circle there is a blue cloud infront of us. He looks disappointed and says, "dang it"

"Hey- like I said earlier... it's difficult the first few times. Here, let me teach you something my dad taught me when I was little"

I stand up and walk behind Matt. I put my hands over his eyes. "There, ok- now try picturing something really simple. Something that you can see clearly or without having to think of every detail.

"Ok..." he says. He thinks for a bit, then starts making a small circle. After he's done, I take my hands off his eyes. "See? You're getting better all ready!" I exclaim.

Sitting infront of us is a (still sort of blurry) illusion of a flower. He looks back at me, he gets really excited and flaps his hands a bit. It's really cute.

We look back at where the flower was and it had disappeared. He got a little disappointed again.

I walk over and sit infront of hum again. "It's important to make sure you don't burn yourself out when you're practicing illusions. It can be kind of draining if you do it too much" I warn him.

He nods and says, "Yeah, ok."
"Hey Matt?"
"Do you know how long you can stay?"
"Well, my mom said I have to be home by 6. So that gives me about 3 hours till I need to be home."
"Do you want to stay here for a while and just hang out?"
"Yeah, I'd like that"

I take his hands and lead him over to my bed. "Here, we can both lay down and just talk about stuff I guess." He smiles and nods.

We snuggle next to eachother. At first we just talk about random things. Like what we want to do when we're older, what we'd do if we had 1 million snails... random conversations really.

Then Matt says, "Oh, I forgot to ask... Has Boscha tried anything on you recently?"

"Well" I say, "she has definitely tried... but Willows been around me as much as she can so that Boscha doesn't have many opportunities to. The only time she's pulled something was when I was on my way to illusions class a few days ago. Willow doesn't have any classes in that hallway so..."

Matt cuts in. "What did she do to you?" He said seriously, sitting up. "O-oh, not much. Just a single punch this time, someone walked by so she stopped before she could get in trouble." "She still hurt you though!" He says, a bit louder than the last time. "It's nothing Matt, really.." I say, trying to calm him down.

"SHE COULD'VE DONE SOMETJING REALLY BAD GUS!" He yells. I flinch at the sudden outburst. As soon as he realizes he yelled, he cups his hands over his mouth. His eyes wide, scared of himself. "Gus...... I- I didn't mean to yell.." He says, almost whispering, tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Oh, it's fine... you were just worried-"
"No, it's not Gus. I yelled at you..."
"Matt, it's no big deal, really."
"I just-"
"No Matt, it just startled me a bit. Thats it, I promise."
my arms around him.

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