~chapter 25~

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(Remember, this chapter forward will be 3rd person point of view)

Matt's pov:

He remembers something


He stands up from the table where he was eating moments ago. He puts shoes on and dashes for the front door.

As soon as he sets his foot outside, he notices a tiny slip of paper tied to a rock signed "From Gus, to: My dearest Mattholomule"

What? How come I didn't bodice this before?

He picks up the rock and closes the door. Then, he quickly makes his was up to his room, his safe place.

He carefully undoes the string and the slightly beaten paper falls neatly onto his bed.

Cautiously, he unfolds the piece of paper. He turns on his desk lamp to properly read the note, it says;

My dearest Mattholomule,

Words cannot express how much I love you, which is wh I'm writing this.

If you're reading this letter, then something probably happened to me. You see, I left this on your porch before the day of unity 'celebration' and was going to pick it up afterwards. But in this case, that definitely didn't end up happening, because you're reading this.

This is a pretty lengthy story, but I'm not telling it all here- I have something else that'll do that, but I'll get to that in a bit. Long story short, I'm probably trapped in the human realm. We planned to get Luz through the portal and home, but something must've gone wrong and we can't get back. I wrote down almost everything in my journal. It's underneath my bed mattress, you can go and find it. And you can read it if you want.

I am so, so terribly sorry. Words cannot begin to say how sorry I am. I told myself that I'd never leave your side, as long as we are together everything would be fine. But I left without warning. I left without so much as a goodbye, and it breaks my heart every time I think about what will happen to me when you read this letter. Will I be alive? Will you hate me? Will you even be okay? My head fills to the brim and spills over with all the worst-case scenarios of things that could happen to you, and us.

I love you more than life itself, and I hope you know that. Through good days and bad, I love you. Your adorable little smile, your beautiful brown eyes that sparkle like a million stars, the cute little thing you do woth your hands when you get excited, your amazing, caring personality, and so much more. I love all of you, the good and the bad. Any bit of you that makes you the wonderful, amazing person- I love a million times through.

It breaks my heart over and over again knowing what might become of us in the scenario that you read this. But know this, I will do whatever it takes to get back to you and see you again. I swear on my life that I'll hold you in my arms, that we'll dance under the stars and whisper silly thing sin eachother's ears as we try not to trip on eachother's feet, that we'll go walking on our special trail and make many precious memories. You can count on it my love.

Yours truly,
Agustus Porter

He retreads the letter over and over again with trembling hands. His eyes are blurry with tears.

No, no, no, no, NO!

Gus can't be gone
He can't be
This has to besone sort-of sick joke

His head races with thoughts, trying to make sense of what he just read. He knows what it means, every word of it. But he doesn't want to admit it to himself.

He doesn't want it to be true....
He can't let it be true....

He holds the letter against his chest and starts sobbing. He gasps for air as he curls into a ball on his bed, clinging the letter close to his chest, afraid that if he let's go- he'll let go of Gus forever.

He cries long into the night until he is no longer able to shed a single tear. His vocal cords are tired and sore from crying so much.

He doesn't bother getting out of bed. He doesn't bother turning on the lights. He doesn't bother talking, or moving, or eating.

Afterall, what's the point if you're all alone? What's the point if you don't have anyone?

What's the point in anything when everyone left?

Gus pov:


No No No No No No No

This can't be happening!!

Thus can't be happening. I must be dreaming or something....

Why isn't the portal opening back up?

Luz tries to reopen the door.

Open. Close. Open. Close.

Nothing happens.

The disheveled teenagers watch as Luz opens and closes the door over and over again.

Gus falls to the ground, covering his mouth as big, suffocating sobs fill the rainy silence.

No, no, no, no. This can't be happening

His mind is flooded with a tidal wave of thoughts racing to an unattainable finish line. He holds himself tight in his arms.

Willow scoots closer to Gus and wraps her arms around him, trying desperately to hold back her tears for the sake of her friend.

With a shaky voice, she whispers to him, "e-everything is going to be f-fine Gus. It's all going to w-work out just fine"

The all stand there, realizing the magnitude of their situation.

(End scene)
Sorry this one was pretty depressing, most lf the coming chapters will be. I'm also sorry it was a bit shorter compared to most of my chapters, but for the most part- I'm super proud of this chapter. I feel like I say that about every one I write, but it's true! Maybe I'm just easily impressed by my own✨️amazing-ness✨️

I'm just kidding lol, I have the self-esteem of a slug! But I wasn't joking about the writing part- I'm pretty proud of myself for writing and liking what I write recently.

I just wanna post like, 5 chapters in a day. But I can't because I stock pile them and post relatively consistent because I have a stash I can evenly distribute. But... the urge to write everything out in a day and post all the remaining chapters at one is too much! I might end up doing it... idk. Probably not like.. 5 chapters but I might end up posting 2 or 3 chapters in a day if I'm being totally honest.

Also... I've been wayy too excited about the chapters recently and have been posting quite a lot the past few days, in fact- I posted the previous chapter earlier today lol. I just hope you guys like these!

ANYWAY- hope your guys' Day was good! And if today wasn't that great, than I hope tomorrow is a better day, I believe in you!

Stay safe my wonderful readers! I love you guys!



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