I didn't mind it though, it gave me something new to think about during the day so at least she's good in that way.

Of course, I wouldn't tell anyone else that, those idiots don't need to know I spent all night and all this morning thinking about her...yall didn't need to know that either. Fuck forget I said that.

"Bakugo." I looked up from my paper at my coffee-reeking teacher. He motioned for me to follow him outside the classroom.

I'm pretty sure I haven't done anything wrong since the other day when Deku stepped on my shoes and I blew his face off.

I got up and followed him out, he semi-closed the door and spoke. "I need you to take this to Present Mic, he's in that spare classroom upstairs."

I took the book he wanted me to give and set off. It was a long walk but nothing I can't handle.

When I got there I didn't bother knocking and just walked in. Of course, he's not here when I need him to be. I mentally groaned and made my way to leave.

I opened the door just for someone to bump into me. "Sorry-" It's her. She stopped and stared at me again. In every other situation, I would have told her to stop but I didn't.

I couldn't.

It looked like she wanted to say something but couldn't bring herself to do so.

Present Mic came over and put his hand on her shoulder, she stopped staring and looked at the ground, so she's afraid of the teachers.

I gave him the book and looked at her again. She didn't look at me though because Present Mic was there.


I walked away, hoping she was looking at me.

I was walking out to go home when I noticed her and my emo teacher walking into the old lady's office.

I was curious about what they were doing in there. So the next day I left at around the same time and again I saw them walk in there.

It was like that for the whole week and part of this week.

I tried to let it go but it wasn't until Deku came in talking about how he had an actual conversation with her that I just couldn't.

What the fuck! I stare at her and she has the nerve not to say anything but Deku spends like two minutes with her and they chat up a storm!

What kind of bullshit is this?

After that, I was determined to get her to speak to me. I'm not letting Deku get to her first- what the hell did I just say? Never mind that I gotta find out where this girl is.

Luckily some God or whatever was on my side because Present Mic got sick so now she has to be in here. When she walked in she had her eyes on the ground so she didn't notice me, the whole class.

At the end of the class, she spoke to those idiots. It was just lame conversations until that idiot sparky had to ask stupid questions.

"So L/n you got a boyfriend or anything?" What the actual hell is wrong with him?

"There's someone I want to properly meet but I need a bit more time to figure some stuff out." Figure stuff out? Like what?

Everyone started to leave and she went up to that dead caterpillar. She was ready to leave but he had said he wanted to talk to me.

I went beside her and hoped she'd finally notice I was here. She did and stared at me again now she has to fucking talk.

Aizawa just wanted to know if I was gonna redesign my hero costume for the fiftieth time, I like mixing it up a lot sue me.

After that, he told L/n to follow him out but she didn't. She stayed and stared at me, come on just say something.

"Hi." Holy shit that worked, wait, do it again.

"Uh, I wanted to introduce myself but it seems like everyone already knows me." She seemed nervous about introducing herself like she was scared I had already made up my mind about her.

She didn't continue so I spoke. "Katsuki Bakugo." She looked at me confused. "You're taking too damn long to introduce yourself."

I wanted her to speak more. "Y/n L/n. But you can just call me Y/n. It doesn't feel right when people call me L/n."

It felt weird when she gave me permission to say her given name but I didn't mind it. "Whatever extra."

I decided to let her calm down so I left the classroom. She's different than what she seems.

I wanted to know how and why. I wanted... I want to know her.

I want to understand her, not what those extras tell me, not what those shitty reporters are saying.

Just her.

1370 Words

How was it?

There that should keep you fed until they get another interaction.

Some of y'all may be confuse about why Bakugo said 'she's the definition of power' all I can say is... Keep reading

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