Oneshot #19-8

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"Line up! Number order! Single file!"

That's what I hear 8 times a day- 3 to meals, 3 from, and twice to use the bathroom. You kind of have to learn to hold it and to not drink 20 gallons of water a day like some people used to.

But today is the last day for that. Yay. WooHoo. I should be excited 'cause that would mean I'm getting freed, right? No.

Because I'm on (mentally insert sparkly emojis here since the prison doesn't offer that) death row (now do it again here).

And basically, when your gonna die and have no family to call they keep you occupied by having you type up stuff. Or play Tetris. Like yay you treated me like the poop your neighbor threw in your yard from their dog but oh wowie I get to play Tetris? Favorite person ever.

Anyway like sucks. I don't even get to be killed first. Even though I've been here the longest. But no I'm boring old number 8 in line.

I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to be sad. 'Cause like everybody else is sobbing. Except for the 8 guards at the door. 'Cause us weak peeps totally need 8 guards and it's not like we only eat 3 pieces of bread every day.

Anyway, I get to take this typer thingie with me, which is cool. So whoever is reading this (if anyone) can come with me. It's like a friend that never talks and only listens. Which we need more of in this world.

I... I am very tempted to cause a scene but I won't because then this might get taken away and we don't want that.

Oh my god. We're going. Ooh, this is fun.

Like, funnnnnnnn fun not fuuuuuuuun fun. If you know what I mean.

Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. That's fun.

Wait a minute. The big killing machine or whatever is on the other side of the glass. I'm on this side.


Well, they'll notice.



Ok so maybe I was wrong.

I know you don't know this but it's been like 3 hours. And yes everyone is dead if you were wondering like probably not but just so you know that yes I have witnessed the death of 8 people. Honestly, I thought the groups would be smaller.

Maybe I will make it out of this alive. Ok, maybe not I hear footsteps that are probably coming to murder me now.

I'm gonna turn the voice record thingie on. So, like, y'know, when I die my last words are on record.


We are sorry, sir. We do not know, sir.

You know better than this.

And so... I am alone.

Oh how cute.

She seemed quite attached to this little thing.

It would be such a shame if I threw it away.

Hands up and where I can see them!

This is Agent Roberts this will be uploaded to the cloud Amelia that's why but we are currently fighting a man with deep blue eyes and solid brown hair. About 5'7" and looks medium-sized. If we die here tell our families we love them. Please.


Oh my god 8 more men just showed up we love you all but we're doomed I'm sorry

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