Oneshot #22-Picture Perfect. Not.

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AN: guess what? This one was also written by 2 others plus me!

Picture Perfe...ct, What?!?
I was looking through some of my old photos that my family had kept for keeping just to remember good old times.
My family always seem photogenic, looking like they were superstars in every photo they took, and they took a lot. The piles and piles of photos my family has are way too much, but they say it's never enough. The phrase "A picture is worth a thousand words." gets tossed a lot around this household quite a bit, to the point where it makes me feel sick.

But how. In the heck. Is there a DEER. In the photo.
Yeah. Mhm. A deer. Like the ones you see in your yard.

Also who the heck is that random dude in the photo? I've never seen him before. He's almost staring off into the distance.

Oh. My. Goodness.
Sorry. I needed to take a laughing break. I know who that is. And why he looks so familiar. He's my boyfriend's grandpa. Oh my goodness that's so funny.

Um so. Boyfriend no longer. Apparently, that's my grandpa. And my boyfriend's grandpa. We're cousins.

EW OMG I KISSED THAT GUY. At least this gives me an excuse to break up with him. We weren't really working out. Maybe that's the "don't like incest" in me speaking, but y'know, it's a pretty valid reason, if you're picking up what I'm putting down. I need to go wash my mouth out with soap or something. I mean if that cleans curse words it cleans that, right? Right??? I hope so.

Anyway, my mom asked for the picture to prove it, so I'm gonna go give it to her.
I can't find it. Anywhere. Like it's gone. I don't understand where it went.
What the heck?

But him. He was honestly not too bad of a guy to be honest. He was such a gentleman. He always respected me and my boundaries, always treated me to dinner every week, and watched the things that I liked on TV when I was there. Or at least he was pretty good in the beginning...

A couple of months go by and I notice that he starts changing. He keeps on leaving in the middle of us hanging and saying he was always busy when it was our time to be together. He also stops talking to me, unless I start talking to him. And he's always on his phone on a call with someone. All of these things that he did start making me suspicious of him.

One day, I had the bright idea of following him the next time he left me. I was really wondering what he was so busy with, and I thought I knew what he was doing. Surely enough, what I feared he was doing, was exactly what he was doing. Cheating on me. I confronted him and broke up with him right on the spot. End of story really.

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