Oneshot #12-Wedding Day

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I can't believe it! My husband is insane! I told him not to.


Why? Why me? Is this really how our marriage is going to go? Was what I asked for too much? Maybe I'm being too mean. Am I a bridezilla? Someone on Instagram was calling me that. Maybe I was too harsh? It can't be his fault!

------ day of the wedding -------

I'm so excited! Today. I'm. Getting. MARRIED!!

I've been waiting forever! I'm about to walk down the aisle, and I have memorized my vows. I can't wait to hear his vows! I. Can't. Calm. Down. YAYYYYYY!!

Nothing can go wrong!

My father is about to walk me down the aisle. I'm wearing my mother's wedding dress, which is old, have blue earrings, my pearl necklace is new, and have my friend's hairpin in. Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.

And down the aisle we go! Love this! Oh! And look at the cake! It's so tall and looks like it'll be delicious. We should all take the bite together!

---------- after the vows ------------

"C'mon!" He exclaimed. "I've got a surprise for you!" Maybe it's a gift? We haven't even opened the wedding gifts yet or eaten cake! "Here," he told me. "Put on this blindfold." I giggled. Oh! This is so exciting! Everything is amazing!

Suddenly, I felt something hit my face. It was wet, and sticky, and ew. Everyone was laughing. Everyone was giggling.

I took off the blindfold, and wiped whatever was on my face off.

"Eat it! Eat it!" Everyone chanted, still laughing.




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