Oneshot #18-New York and Chocolate

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Woah. This... this, is awesome.

Not the "In NEW YORK" song playing on repeat in my mind (even though it's true), the fact that I, me, little 'ole me, is in NEW YORK. Yeah, you hear me. And I'm here since Mariott gives you a free night incentive and a one-night stay in New York costs more than the membership.

I just want to stay in the hotel all day and do nothing. But noooo, we're in the 'big city' so we have to do big things. UGHHH. Thanks, mom. Thanks, dad.

New York is not as awesome as everyone makes it out to be. But the pizza is good. It's got that running for it. I can't wait to get out of here.

Did I sleep through until we have to leave? Yes. Am I glad I did? Also yes. BECAUSE NOW WE'RE GOING TO THE HERSHEY HEADQUARTERS!!!

I don't know if you noticed but I love chocolate. Also, they're giving out free mint Kit Kats since it's their new flavor or whatever. I don't care. SUGAR IS SUGAR. CHOCOLATE IS CHOCOLATE.

This place is awesome. It smells absolutely delicious. Like imagine the best smell in the world (chocolate), but somehow better. Like the opposite of your dad's farts (cause we know how bad those smell). Like cotton candy is being made. Like hot chocolate is being made in the walls so the smell wafts everywhere. Like cookies are continuously being taken out of an oven.

You get the point. I love it here. Is this supposed to be better than New York? Nope. Is it better anyway? Mhm. Yeah. Very.

I've never loved chocolate more in my life. And I love chocolate, so that's saying something. We even get to make our own, custom, chocolate bars. Like mine has pretzels but no tree nuts. Or I'd go bye-bye. Y'know, 6 feet under bye-bye.

And we can't have that now, can we? I'm too awesome for that.

Nevermind. Kill me know. That STUPID "IN NEW YORKKKK" song is playing over. And over. AND OVER. AND OVER AGAIN AND AGAIN.

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