Void Stiles - Hostage

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"Why are you keeping me here? No one will come for me!" It didn't matter hom many times you told him, he just didn't believe you, the only thing you got out of the screaming was a sore throat and some mad looks from evil Stiles. You weren't even lying to get yourself out of the hell hole he held you hostage in, you knew the pack didn't really care that much for you.

"Now tell me, why should I trust you little Dove? Scott would never leave someone behind." He thought he was so damn clever, but you knew better. This time you decided to just keep your mouth shut. You had said everything you wanted to say and it didn't work, so why talk now?

"Cat caught your tongue Dove? What a shame, I liked hearing you scream." He gave you a loaded smirk but you just looked away, half disgusted, half intrigued by his words. Scott had told everyone Void didn't have feelings, that he was an emotionless being and couldn't feel anything, but his way of talking and his expressions said otherwise. Maybe he was more human than they thought.

"I must say, I am a beginning to believe you a bit. It has been two days and still now sign from anyone. Poor little Dove." You glared at him. "I told you, they won't come. You have a better chance if you kidnap Lydia or Liam." Void looked surprised, he probably hadn't expected for you to throw your 'friends' under the bus like that. "What? Lydia is a bitch, can't believe Stiles likes her." Void grinned at that, making you frown.

"What? It is true. Don't harm Liam though, he is the only nice one." Void nodded thoughtfully, as if he was really thinking about what you had said.

"Do you like Stiles Dove?" You raised your eyebrows, scoffing. "No way in hell, Lydia can have him." You were actually disgusted by the two, not because you liked Stiles, he was way to soft and annoying for you, but because they always gave each other those eyes.

Void shook his head, looking at you, before turning around. "I'll be back in a bit Dove, don't try to escape, I'll have to punish you." He gave you one last smirk before walking our of the door, leaving you in your chains.


Void had been gone for a long time, you were bored to death and would to anything for something interesting to happen soon. Some time later you heard the door open and slam closed, followed by a familiar high pitched voice.

"Let go of me! Why are you doing this? Stiles is going to beat your ass-" Void came in sight with a furious looking Lydia over his shoulder. He looked completely unbothered by the fight she was putting up. "Hey there little Dove, I brought you some company." He sat Lydia down on the floor across from you, chaining her to the wall.

Lydia finally looked up, spotting you. "Y/N? What the hell are you doing here?! Are you working with him?! I knew we should've never-" You cut her off, rather annoyed with her already.

"What do you think Lydia? If I had been working with him I wouldn't be chained to the bed now would I?" She just glared, before looking at the bed. "Why is she comfortable on the bed and I, not so comfortable, on the floor?" This time her words were directed to Void, who just smirked.

"Because she has more importance than you. By the way, your voice is giving me a headache, stop talking." Lydia still didn't lose her glare but kept her mouth shut. "It won't take long, they will soon notice that your are gone and will come looking for you." Void turned to you, his face twisting in almost something alike a smile.

"Are you hungry Dove?" You shook you head, he had given you more than enough the night before, and he nodded, seemingly satisfied. There was a loud growl follows by a door getting smashed out of their hinges. "Ah, there they are already." Void took you hand and pulled you up, making you stand before the bed, before walking over to Lydia, grabbing her roughly and putting her next to you, the chains attached to her ringing. Void came to stand half in front of the both of you, waiting for the pack to arrive.

"Where is she?!" Scott looked more angry than you had ever seen. You hadn't noticed the knife that had appeared in Void's hand, now coming to stand behind you and Lydia.

After Scott, the rest of the pack came running through the door, seeming relieved to see Lydia unharmed. You just looked at them with a blank face, they were never your friends, it was clear now, although it did sting a little.

"Scott McCall and his little pack, how nice to have you over. As you can see I have two of your beloved pack members held hostage." He smirked seeing Scott's expression. "What shall I do with them?" He ran the blade of the knife teasingly across Lydia's throat before setting his hand on your shoulder, the blade still in it, almost poking your skin.

"Give Lydia back! She has done nothing! Why are you doing this?!" Stiles' angry scream made Lydia tear up, and soon enough tears dripped down her face.

"I want to destroy your stupid pack Scott. One. By. One." He paused and smirked at the raging Scott. "Tonight, one person will die, and it's up to you who will live. Isn't that nice?" You felt your heart sink a bit. You were going to die tonight, you had never had the chance to leave the stupid town, and now you would get killed in it, probably buried too if the pack was nice enough.

"Let Lydia live. Lydia. We chose Lydia." Scott was the one who had screamed the words but everyone seemed to agree. You could see Liam standing behind Isaac, smiling sadly at you, mouthing an 'I'm sorry', making you feel a little bit better.

Void was quiet for a moment but then laughed, pressing the blade against your neck. "Alright then, you made your choice." You closed your eyes, hoping for it to be over soon. "Lydia shall die tonight." The words didn't fully register in your mind until the blade disappeared from your neck and Void switched to Lydia, slitting her throat in one quick motion. She didn't even have the time to scream before her lifeless body hit the ground.

You could hear Stiles sobbing and Scott roaring. You didn't know what to think. One second you were about to die, and now you were alive. You couldn't help but feel a bit sad for Lydia, although they had never treated you well, you still felt bad.

You didn't really noticed Scott running straight to you and Void, until the latter came to stand in front of you, slamming Scott to the ground before turning to you, his eyes burning. He gave you the smallest of smirks and hold onto your shoulder tightly. "Time to go Little Dove." You could feel yourself falling, but didn't know why. Void still had a strong grip in your shoulder making you almost feel a little bit better, even though that would be absurd seeing he was thinking about killing you moments ago.

When the falling finally stopped you hit the ground with a hard thud, making you groan out in pain. You openend you eyes and looked straight into Void's. He was laying beneath you, had he meant to break your fall a bit?

You quickly sat up, feeling your face getting hot, not noticing you were straddling him now until you saw the wide smirk the idiot had painted on his face. You scrambled off of him, making his smirk even bigger if that was possible.

You looked around, trying to take you focus off of Void. It seemed like a normal living room, a couch set in the middle of the room with some pretty lights. The walls even had some paintings on them. "Where are we and why are we here?"

Void had also gotten up from the ground and came standing in front of you, his hand lifting your chin up so you could look in his eyes. It was weird that he looked like Stiles. You had never been attracted to Stiles, but Void was a different story, although he was a bit crazy. A pretty psychopath.

"Welcome home Little Dove."

Dylan O'Brien - One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now