Dylan O'Brien AU - Idiot

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The carriage rattled as the helmsman steered the horses in front of it. It was already getting dark outside and the adrenaline from the mission was already out of your system.

You were the prince's personal guard, a prince who had a habit of getting into trouble. Dylan had been sent on a mission by his father and you had insisted on coming. After all, if anything happened to him, it would be your fault, his blood on your hands.

He ran his hand through his dark brown hair, making it even more messy than it already was, and sighed. Prince Dylan sat across from you and gave you occasional glances. Gazes that did not escape your notice, even though your eyes were focused on the view from the carriage. Meadows flew by, it looked beautiful but you had to try not to stare at the prince all the time. He was so hauntingly beautiful.

He opened the first two buttons of his white button-up shirt and rolled his sleeves up to his elbows. You were now looking at him instead of the carriage window. Dylan leaned back spreading his legs and looking at you. It was a habit he always had when he was at ease. You frowned as you continued to look at him.

"Are you seriously bored, my highness?" He grinned slightly and shook his head, a twinkle in his brown eyes. "I'm never bored when I'm with you love." He winked and you shook your head slightly. That's how it always was. Shameless flirting between you two, you found it quite amusing. The prince thought the same, as far as you knew.

"You almost died." To be honest. It was true. If you hadn't jumped in, he wouldn't be here anymore. "But I didn't." You sighed, the grin still on his face. Dylan liked that you were so concerned about him but liked to tease you even more.

"You could have been dead you idiot." His grin only got bigger, hearing you hiss words with the meaning he couldn't care less about. You couldn't fathom how he could care so little. The only reason you could possibly think of was because of his father. The king hated having Dylan with him. He didn't like it, that somebody, someday would take over his power. Also, Dylan was exceptionally nice to everyone, something the king greatly despised.

"Would you cry for me?" he asked, tilting his head. His eyes held a glint of curiosity, he was curious about your answer. "Would you bury me and cry over my grave my love?" You still hadn't taken your eyes off him. Would you? Would you cry? You knew the answer to that, but he didn't have to know.

"We arrive in about 20 minutes, your highness." You heard the helmsman say. You sighed, the prince smiled at you and then chuckled lightly.

You took off your dark blue cloak, and pulled your hair out of your ponytail. Under the cloak was a light blue, long-sleeved blouse with beige trousers underneath. A dagger hung from your belt, the same color as your pitch-black boots. You ran a hand through your hair and looked up when you felt eyes on you. The prince was looking straight at you, eyes full of complicated, unexplained emotions.

"Beautiful." he mumbled as he scanned your face and outfit. He looked at your body for a moment, but not long enough to make you uncomfortable. He let his eyes linger on your face, your hair. Something you appreciated. As flirty as he could be at times, he never made you uncomfortable. He was always respectful.

The carriage suddenly stopped with a jolt. Your eyes met the prince's for a second before you took the sword from behind you and leaped out of the carriage, followed by Dylan.

Your eyes widened as you saw the spectacle in front of you and you stopped walking abruptly. Dylan accidentally bumped into you but managed to keep his balance by grabbing your arm, holding you against him.

The helmsman lay dead on the ground while three man, dressed in black, looked at you with identical grins. The prince wanted to step in front of you for protection, but you quickly pushed him back. It was your job to protect him, not the other way around. You were his guard. It would be far worse if something happened to him than to you.

The men approached you and you soon found yourself in a fight. Meanwhile, the prince was also fighting with one of the men. The other two had focused on you.

You quickly managed to take one down, but the other one was more difficult. He was a lot better and faster than the first. The clanging of metal on metal was loud in your ears, causing them to ring. You were just about to give the final blow when suddenly you heard a groan behind you. Your eyes widened when you recognized the prince's voice and you quickly looked behind you. Much to your relief, there was nothing serious and he had already knocked the man down.

He cast a quick glance at you and his eyes widened. "Watch out!" But it was already too late. Before you had the chance to turn all the way back around, you felt a sharp stab in your side.

Your vision became blurry and before you knew what was happening you started falling. You ended up right in the water next to the path. It was freezing cold and a burning pain spread through your body. You tried to swim up but the pain in your side was too bad. You sank deeper and deeper, your vision slowly turning black.

Dylan quickly dealt with the last, already wounded, man and threw his sword to the side. Without thinking, he jumped after you into the water. He quickly swam towards you, your hair floated through the water as he tried to grab you as gently as possible. He didn't want to hurt you more.

Dylan's lungs burned and he quickly swam to the surface. When he finally reached the top, he took a deep breath. He quickly pulled you to the grass and placed you gently between his legs, leaning your head on his chest and wrapping his arms around you, hoping to warm you up a little. He was cold himself, but he hoped it would help. Much to his relief, he could still feel your heartbeat and breathing.

His, now wet, hair lay flat on his head and he run a shaky hand through it while trying to calm his breathing. Your lungs suddenly filled with air and you started coughing up water. You leaned over and the prince gently rubbed your back until all the water was out of your lungs.

You turned and looked at the prince. His beautiful eyes stood terrified and you could feel the relief roll off him. Not that you were out of danger yet, but the sword had just grazed you, luckily not too serious.

"You could've have run, you should have." You said softly as you looked into his eyes. Your voice being a little hoarse from the almost drowning, making it difficult to talk. If he would have run he would finally be getting rid of his terrible father, he would probably be happier, you knew there was nothing he wanted more than that. You really wanted for him to be happy.

"And leave you here to die?" His voice sounds shocked and maybe a little angry too. "How could I ever do that?" You sighed and shook your head. "I should be protecting you, not the other way around." He shook his head and pulled you into him again. His arms wrapped around you and your head pressed against his drenched shirt.

"How about, we protect each other? I'd do anything to hear you call me 'idiot' one more time love." You grinned and looked up at him. He smiled slightly and sighed, tightening his hold on you for a second. "Even if it would mean ruining my perfect hair for it."

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