Dylan O'Brien - New, Old Friend

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The teacher drone on and on about some school trip your class was supposed to go on and you couldn't be more bored. You looked outside and caught sight of a beautiful blue butterfly, the tiny animal was more interesting than the boring lesson and you continued looking outside, only when the door flew open did you look up.

The sight that greeted you wasn't bad at all. A boy around your age stood in the doorway. His eyes were like melting pools of honey and his dark brown hair looked too fluffy not to touch. You didn't know why but you had the urge to run your fingers through it. He had moles scattered around his face and when he smiled at the teacher two adorable dimples popped out. He was gorgeous.

You stared at him a bit too long, because he turned around and made eye-contact with you. You felt a blush rise on your cheeks as his eyes seemed to lit up, and he gave you a dashing smile.

You quickly looked away and started to doodle in your book, trying to keep your attention off the handsome boy. The teacher told him to take a seat and you looked around the classroom for an empty seat, only to realize the one next to you was the only free one. You cursed under your breath and tried to calm your breathing. You had no friends in this class so you were seated alone.

The boy took place besides you and you tried to avoid making eye-contact, your nerves playing up. When you quickly glanced up at him he was looking at you intently. He looked like he wanted to say something but settled for a small smile. You smiled back and focused on your doodles again.


You were looking through your locker, trying to find your English book and not paying attention, when you suddenly felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around and to your surprise, it was the new guy. He looked at you with a disappointed expression on his face and you frowned a bit. Why was he looking at you like that?

"Hi, can I help you?" You asked, not knowing what to do. Maybe he needed something or was lost? He nodded and held up his arm. You looked at him with question in your eyes. He pulled his bracelet taut, looking deeply in your eyes.

"You really don't remember me Y/N?" He gave you a sad smile. You looked at the bracelet, and then it clicked. The bracelet, you had the exact same, you had made them yourself, one for your former best friend and one for yourself. He had come back for you.

"Oh god, Dylan?!" He nodded happiness now clear in his eyes. You giggled, not able to contain your excitement and jumped on him tackling him in a hug, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck, your legs around his waist. He caught you with ease and hugged you back even tighter. "Of course I remember you! I missed you so fucking much!" Tears prickled your eyes and soon enough you were full on sobbing.

He pulled back a bit and looked at you with a concerned expression. He wiped your tears away with his thumb and pouted. "Don't cry love, I hate to see you cry." Your tears slowly stopped flowing and he widely smiled at you, setting you down again but holding a firm grip on your hands with his.

Dylan had changed so much since you last saw him, his buzz cut had now grown out to longer hair, and his eyes only seemed brighter. It had been a long time since you had seen him, you weren't really able to stay in contact seeing you were both pretty young when Dylan left town. You couldn't help but run your fingers through his hair. Dylan closed his eyes in content and hummed happily.

He had missed this, you, so much. He was heartbroken when he had to leave and begged his parents to move back for senior year. He had never once removed his bracelet, the only thing he had left from you aside from all the pictures you had made him take. He wanted to stay like this forever but all too soon the bell rang and he knew he had to move.

"Come over after school?" You smiled and stroked his cheek tenderly. "Of course, I've gone way to long without you."


When you finally arrived at Dylan's house, you followed his car to his new house with yours, his parents were the first to greet you. They had always been like second parents to you and you were happy to see them again. Julia, Dylan's sister, attacked you with hugs. After a few minutes of catching up with his family Dylan got impatient and pulled you upstairs with him.

He wanted all your attention now that he was back. He opened the door to his new bedroom and jumped on the bed patting the spot next to him as a signal for you to sit. You took place beside him and he immediately took you in his arms, leaning back, you between his legs, his arms tightly wrapped around your torso. He gave you a kiss on your head and you snuggled into him a bit more, closing your eyes and relaxing.

"What happened the time I was gone, any new friends..." He paused for a second. "Boyfriends?" You laughed, opening your eyes, but Dylan's face stayed serious. Did you meet someone while he was gone? Were you in love with somebody else? He hoped not. "No Dyl, nothing really changed. No boyfriends, nobody has caught my interest." Besides you, you thought but didn't say.

He nodded and smiled. Satisfied with your answer. "You? Any girlfriends who will get mad when they see us cuddled up on your bed." Dylan silently laughed, smirking. Of course there was no one else, there was only you.

"Nope, never." You smiled and closed your eyes again. "I really, really missed you, you know." Dylan said and sighed sadly. You took his hand in yours and lightly kissed it, causing Dylan to blush and his heart to almost beat out of his chest. Not that you could see that, you weren't facing him and he was a bit glad. You surely would make fun of him if you caught him blushing. He always did when he made you blush. He pictured your pink cheeks and lit up eyes and couldn't hold it in anymore. He needed to say it before he would burst. He had waited such a long time to tell you.

"Y/N, I love you."

You chuckled and smiled. "I already knew that Dyl, I love you too." He sighed and shook his head, sitting up. It was now or never. He really didn't want to think about what would happen if you didn't love him the way he loved you.

"No I really love you, in the romantic 'I wanna kiss you until you pass out and then kiss you again when you wake up' way." Your eyes flew open and widened. You turned around in Dylan's hold, so you were facing him and searched his eyes. You wanted to make sure he was 100% sincere and not making a joke. When you only found honesty, vulnerability and love you beamed up at him.

"Fuck Dyl, I love you too, so damn much!" Before he could say another thing you cradled his cheeks into your hands and locked your lips together. Dylan was stunned for a second, wide eyed, shock and excitement running through him, before kissing you back.

That surely wasn't the last time you guys kissed.

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