63. The Blow Up

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"MARSHALL!! JUST GO UPSTAIRS AND COOL OFF OR SOMETHING!!" Nate exclaims as he starts to lose whatever weak grip he has on me, and it literally takes all of my willpower to actually listen to him and do just that.

"You are fucking lucky I don't wanna catch a case, Kim," I sigh.

Instead of going upstairs though, I instead go down to the studio to see the girls. I stand outside the door for a few minutes, waiting for my anger to subside a little bit, because I sure as hell don't want them to see me like this.

Then I push the door and walk in.

"Girls," I say.

"Hi daddy," they all run to me.

All 4 of them look so innocent and completely oblivious to the shit storm that just went down upstairs, and thank God for that. Thank God that Kim had at least a tiny bit of sense in her to not expose them to all this.

I end-up spending the rest of the evening with them, just talking to them. I need it. I need a fucking reminder of why I shouldn't go up and snap Kim's fucking neck right now, because that would forever take me away from these 4 beautiful girls, and I would rather die than let that happen.

Once it gets late, I go back upstairs and Nate helps me clean up.

Kim has retired to the bedroom by this point, apparently, and I have no intentions of joining her there.

I take the girls up to their room sometime later, put them in their beds and tuck them in.

I then go to one of my guest room and spend the rest of the night there.

Problem is, I can't fucking sleep. Even after I take my medicine, I can't fucking sleep.

I'm still too fucking angry, and my anger keeps me awake.

I literally want to kill Kim right now.

Not even because of this fight just now, but because, I don't know I just feel so much resentment towards her man for dragging me back into this fucking cursed cycle with her again.

Granted, it's not all on her, I shouldn't have been so fucking weak that I let a woman I no longer wanted anything to do with me manipulate me into getting back into a relationship with her. But then again, she should have known better. I mean, could she not see that I didn't want this?! Why would she fucking insist and take advantage of the fact that I was feeling so damn low that day she came to see me at the rehab?!

I suddenly realize that I need to get out of here.

Until I do something stupid I'll end-up regretting.

I get out of bed, get dressed and throw some clothes into a backpack.

I then pin a note to the fridge that I went to my old house to cool off for a bit and leave.

And my original intention was to do just that.

But somehow hours had turned into days as I just sit at my old place getting high in front of the TV.

And then days turned into weeks...

Present day

My phone rings non-stop.

Have been ringing for the longest it seems.

And I keep ignoring it.

I know that it's either Melody or Kim calling me, and I am not ready to deal with either of them.

My head feels way too clouded and heavy, and I'm high as a kite.

Whoever it is this time though, they are being very very persistent.

I finally snatch my phone up and it's Melody.


"What the fuck is wrong with you, Marshall?!" She exclaims, without any greetng or even giving me a chance to say anything.


"You really took off and left Lyric with Kim for a week?!" She exclaims, causing me to frown. "For a whole week, Marshall?!"

A week? Has it really been this long, what the fuck?!

"What are you talking about, Mel? I ain't been gone there for that long."

"Wow, are you really that fucking out of it?!" Melody exclaims with obvious disgust in her voice. "Well, Kim just dropped our daughter off at my house, talking about you took off a week ago and left Lyric there, so she brought her back over to me cause she's not no babysitter. Really, Marshall? You left my little girl there with your fucking crazy ass wife that cannot stand me?! What were you thinking?!"

For real, what was I thinking?!

In my defense though, I ain't know that I was gonna be gone that long. Damn, I'm really losing it again.

"Yo, Mel, that's my bad. I ain't mean to do that, I swear to God," I start to rumble. "How is she?"

"She's okay, Marshall," Melody sighs at the other end of the line. "Apparently, Kim actually took pretty good care of her before dropping her off, but it's just... you shouldn't have fucking done that. Knowing how much Kim dislikes me, I would never feel comfortable with Lyric being left with her like that. And if you do that again, I swear to fucking God..."

"Yo, I get the picture, aight?! I know I fucked up, believe me, I know. But don't fucking threaten me, Mel. You know I don't take kindly to that."

"Whatever Marshall," she says, sounding annoyed, and I can just see her rolling her eyes, not even realizing how pretty she looks when she does that. "Just don't let it happen again."

I sense that she's about ready to hang up, so I stop her.

"So how are you though, Mel? You aight, you feeling better?" I quickly say. "How's your head?"

"I'm fine, Marshall," she huffs. "How are YOU? Wait, dumb question. I can tell already that you are out there high out of your mind. That's why you forgot your damn daughter was there with Kim. Anyway look, I gotta go," she hangs up in my ear.

I can tell that she's right back to hating me again, which I honestly don't even blame her for.

Another week later.

Kim's name flashes across the caller ID on my cell phone, and this time I pick up.

I know exactly what she is calling me about right now.

"I can't fucking believe you, Marshall!" She exclaims as soon as I hit the talk button on the phone. "You take off, I don't fucking hear from you for days, and now I'm being served divorce papers again?! What, you didn't even have the guts to tell me to my face?!"

"Look Kim," I sigh, dragging my hand down my face. "We both know that us getting back together and getting married again was a mistake. I mean, all we've done was fight every single fucking day since and..."

"So what are you gonna do now, run back to your little girlfriend?!" Kim asks me angrily, and I can hear the tears in her voice, and for the first time in a really long time, I actually feel like shit for treating her how I've always treated her.

"No Kim, despite what you think, it's not even about Melody," I reply.

"What is it about then? Tell me!"

"Kim, don't you see that we just don't work together? Like, I legit feel like imma murder you one day if I stay with you."

"Bullshit, Marshall!!" Kim laughs bitterly. "You ARE leaving me for that girl again. But guess what? I hope that she fucking runs from you! You deserve to be left all alone after what you did to me for a second time in a row now. I fucking hate you!!"

She hangs up.

Since the last chapter was kind of short, here's another short one to follow it up with.

Spend Some Time (Eminem Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora