Chapter - 30 | Reveal

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[I swear to the gods if another person says that Will is Jesus I will revoke all blue cookies given previously.]

[- Pringles out!]

I was running, fresh off the boat, into the woods. It wasn't the best idea, but at least it meant I was harder to spot.

Howls pierced the cold night. These were no ordinary wolves, bullets had no effect on their hide, something that the sailers found out the hard way.

I was hiding inside a container holding what I assumed was museum pieces. I was staring longingly at a weapon that I recognised from one of my ww2 games when the screams from the crew and port staff began. I decided 'screw it' and chose to grab the Welrod set from the rack and bolted as fast as I could away from the chaos.

I knew they were behind me. I tripped and fell into a deep river, being submerged for a moment before surfacing and paddling to the other side. I crawled out through the mud, my soaked clothes and backpack, and the L86 weighing me down.

I caught my breath and looked around. I was at a practical dead end. I couldn't climb out without those things reaching me. I moved behind a fallen tree, out of sight of where I assumed they would come from.

I opened my bag and gathered my options. Snacks, spare clothes, books, lighter, money, and the recently added pistol. Then I quick found the cloth that wrapped up the silver arrows I gathered from the mysterious archers. If these wolves were anything like the couple monsters and beings that I met on my trip west, these would be my only hope.

There was a loud howl and rustling from the undergrowth across the river, as a large, grey snout sniffed the air...

I shook the memory from my head as I delivered a sharp jab at Lycaons face, knocking him to the ground. I wasted no time as I reached for the metal ring on the strap and pushed it forward, my weapon appearing in my hand. I wasted no time as I raised the L86 to my shoulder and opened fire.

I'm the brief moment of confusion, I fired short bursts of silver-tipped steel at the werewolves, turning many of them to dust. After a moment, a few of them charged me, while a couple others fled. I managed to take out the first one, but was forced to roll out the way of the second ones pounce. I aimed at the third one and pulled the trigger.


"Fuck." I cursed as I realised I was out. The third one pounced, and I was too distracted to dodge. I was knocked to the ground and strained as I barely managed to keep the beasts fangs inches away from my throat. I reached beneath my cloak and pulled a silver knife from its sheath.

With a grunt I stabbed my attacker between the ribs as it gave a yelp and crumbled to dust. I quickly stood up as I turned to see the biggest wolf yet, and he was angry. From the scars and sheer mass of the him, I assumed he was Lycaons second-in-command. I braced myself as I pulled out a second knife.

I fumbled as I ejected the magazine and removed some bullets from it, flinching each time a round hit the dirt. I moved slowly and carefully as I opened the bundle of cloth, picking up an arrow from the top, and pulled out the lighter from my backpack. I used my body to try block any wind or light as I ignited the lighter.

I held the arrowhead over the flame and waited. Hours seemed to pass when only minutes did. I heard more and more noises across the river, daring not to peak. Slowly, the silver began to deform, and then a drop fell, and so did another and another, pooling onto a small slab of stone.

I kept it up for another minute until I was satisfied, placing down the lighter and silver stub. I picked up some of the scattered rounds and dipped the tips in the molten blobs, only for a few seconds each as to not heat up the bullet too much to set it off.

Inspecting each one, I gave a silent thanks as I saw a thin blobby layer around the tip of each projectile. I knew this made the rounds perform worse, but I was desperate. I quietly loaded the rounds back into the mag.

Well that was uneventful. Thing just charged at me and I threw a knife straight into its skull, killing it instantly. Oh well, looked cool at least. Seeing the back pretty much dealt with, I made my way back to the groaning wolf king.

"Well then, loved the villain speech, but... time to go bye bye." I said with a grin.

Lycaon winced as he turned and looked at me.

"Who... are you?" He asked.

I crouched now next to him. My Welrod pistol drawn.

"Don't you remember me Wolffy?" I say as I point my weapon at his head. "I am the true hunter here."

I load the mag into the LMG and shakily take aim. I can see them clearly now, a dozen or so giant wolves with a strange looking man that was... talking to them?

I don't think about it as pull the trigger, a round projecting from the barrel, hitting one of the wolves. The shot hit the beast in the leg, causing it to yelp loudly, alerting the others. I fired another round, this time hitting it in the torso as it crumbled to dust.

Its friends looked around, and its master was literally barking orders at them. I fired the third round, felling another one. From this came a shout from the man.

"Look at yourself mortal. You are prey backed into a corner. You think yourself a hunter of sorts?" He looked around in my general direction. I dared not move.
"I am the true hunter here!"

Annoyed, I fired a round directly at him, hitting him square in the forehead. Unfortunately this one wasn't silver-dipped, so all it did was send him spalling on the ground, leaving a red mark on his skull.

He got up and growled, before storming off, his pack at his heels. I let out a breath I hadn't realised I was holding in. I laid there, letting my heart slowly calm itself down as I wondered what the bloody hell just happened.

Lycaon had a look of confusion on his face, but slowly it turned to a look of realisation a his eyes widened and he looked at my shadowed face.

"You... you morta-" Then a muffled 'p-t' from the integrally suppressed pistol silenced him for good, as he fell to the floor and crumbles into a dark red sand. I didn't think about it as I rushed over to the injured hunter.

"Janina, are you okay?!" I asked her, turning her over and checking her injury. She didn't seem too hurt, mostly a couple of bruises, but mostly a claw mark across her lower left cheek from where Lycaon stuck her. The wound didn't seem that deep and little blood was spilled from it.

Her eyes fluttered open as she gave me a smile and nodded. I gave a sigh of relief and helped her up. Then the silence was finally disturbed.


We turned to see Artemis, now conscious, and looking quite inquisitive. I look to the rest of the hunters, almost all with their eyes wide open, some in deep thought, and even fewer of them glaring at me.

I knew they'd figure it out within the minute. I sighed.

"Fuck it." I said as I pulled down my hood.

There is silence as I dare not to look them in the eyes. I put in a nervous smile.

"Alreet ladies?" I say, letting my accent finally free.

What surprised me more than to be shot, we're two sets of arms wrapping around me, tackling me and nearly making me lose my balance.

"Holy crap! It's you! You've been here the entire time?! Where'd you get the guns?" Said Isla, going into a barrage of questions.

"Later, please." I replied.

The moment if silence that came was quickly ruined by the sound of many bowstrings being drawn. I look up to see the many hunters aiming right at me, not looking too happy.


[Hey Lads and Lasses! Been a bit. Still alive. Sorry for the wait, life is life. Is this story really this successful? Should I consider it that? Is it successful when multiple people keep asking for updates? Whatever. Thanks for all the support, votes, and reads!]

[-Pringles out!]

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