Chapter - 3 | The Rescue

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[Hey Lads and Lasses! Here's another chapter. Enjoy!]

[- Pringles out!]

I wish I could say I did it. I wish I could say I went full Rambo on the cyclops's and riddled them with holes... but no. Even while writing this I can still feel the broken ribs. That's right, while in the middle of my mag-dumping, I got hit with a club and crashed into a tree. When the world finally came into focus I noticed two things.

One: the girl was on the ground next to me. Must have tried to help me, poor thing.
And two: my rifle was about twenty meters away to my left. *sigh* Yay... Welrod time! (That was sarcasm if ya did catch on.)

With great pain, I pulled out my sidearm. The 3 cyclops's were laughing, as one of them approached smugly. I cocked the bolt on the Welrod and fired, hitting it on the shoulder. Seven rounds left, and he's getting angry. I pull back the bolt and I fire again, hitting it in the eye, blinding it. Six rounds left, his pals are getting concerned. Cocking the bold again, I fire a third time, hitting it in the brain and dusting it. Five rounds, and his friends are charging.

Before I could fire again, a horn blared throughout the woods. All of us that were conscious were looking around for the source of the noise. Suddenly the first cyclops was hit by an... arrow? (I didn't know, my vision was beginning to blur.) And then another, and another, and so was the second cyclops too. Moments later the two of them seemed to resemble pin-cushions, before falling over and melting into dust.

Unsure of what was going on, I crawled over to the unconscious girl and got into a protective... well not 'stance' as I was on the ground, but you know what I mean. As the world started to fade away, figures emerged from the trees. When they got closer, I could vividly make out their weaponry. Bows with silver arrows. I don't know why, but a small voice in the back of my head told me that they were no threat to us.

"Save... her..." I croaked, before the world went black.

[Hey Lads and Lasses! Hoped you enjoyed that. Any ideas for this story that you have, feel free to comment and ill see.]

[- Pringles out!]

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