Chapter - 2 | The Girl

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[Hi lads and lasses.
So, um... I completely forgot about this story. But due to requests I'm gonna keep on going.
Sincere apologies everyone.]

[-Pringles out!]

So, let's wind-forward a bit. I was hunting one of my greatest preys... overly obnoxious businessmen who think they are too important for the gods to let something bad happen to them. What? Did you think that I survived these few years off of the land? Hunting for food? No- well actually the berries that I find are pretty good... but anyway!

A lot of these guys seem to spend most of their free time hiking in the woods, using and wearing their unnecessary, overly-expensive... everything. Over time I learned how to identify which ones are the idiots, how to sneak up on them and take their wallets. You just wait for them to get a call and put down their stuff, then you just rummage through their things and take whatever seems good as well as the cash in their wallet. Seriously, I could wave the $200-300 cash in-front of their face and they wouldn't notice.

Anyway, I was returning after another successful "hunt" when I heard a scream deeper into the woods. Naturally like any other sane person, I ran towards it. After a couple of minutes of running, I could here the clashing of metal upon metal and beast-like roars. Using my common-sense I slowed down as to not alert whoever is fighting of my presence.

Coming upon a clearing, what I saw left me gobsmacked. I saw a girl, maybe 13-14 years old, I'm intense combat with snake-women? And are those cyclopes's? Yeah those, with a SWORD! Seeing them reminded me of that gods damned Fox, I really detest monsters. As I watched, the girl slashed at another snake-lady, turning her to dust (yeah, why do they do that) before receiving a stab in the thigh from another. Looks like I'll have to help.

Going prone at the edge of the undergrowth, I set up in a half-decent position and opened fire, piercing her chest-piece and what I believe would be her heart, turning the monster to dust. There was a moment of silence as everyone wandered what killed that snake-bitch, until a second one fell, and another, and another. There was no sound, just dust.

With the snake-ladies dealt with I began to shoot at the cyclops's, who of course had bulletproof hide (lucky fucks) and apparently very good eyesight. Which means they spotted me... yay. Realising I've been spotted I emerged from my hiding spot, reloaded my rifle, switched firing mode, and went full-auto on these beasts.

[Hey guys, Pringles here. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Feel free to comment any ideas for later chapters that you have. Thanks!]

[- Pringles out]

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