Chapter - 10 | The Goddess

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[Hi Lads and Lasses! If your reading this then the cookie promised last chapter is no longer on the table. Suckas!]

[- Pringles out!]

Before me sat a young girl. She looked about eight-year-old girl with mousy-brown hair and fire-red eyes. In person you'd notice that her eyes are actually filled with flames, but they appear warm and cozy unlike those of death and destruction. She wore a simple brown dress and a scarf over her head, which kinda gives her the look of a priestess.

She's a kind soul. She has visited me often in the past, yet never when anyone else is around. She is yet to tell me her identity, but recent events have been helping me give a good guess on who and what she is.

"It's nice to see you again, Geordie." She said in a joking manner.

I sighed. "I told you to call me Will."

"Well you call my by a nickname as well. She replied.

"That's because you haven't told me ya name."

"Well anyway, tell me about your recent days. I've heard from my sources that you have had some... interesting experiences."

And so I told here of recent events. From my first encounter with a demigod, to meeting Lady Artemis and her hunters, to meeting and saving the legendary Percy Jackson.

"Well then. You certainly have had an exiting past few days." Said the girl.

I gave a heavy sigh. "Tell me about it. It was bad enough seeing Titans and then Giants en-route to New York and not being able to do anything about it."

"Yes, well, being a pacifist when your home is under attack didn't do me too many favours."

I turned to her, my brain process the recent data. I decided it was time to confront her.

"You know, you are a rather unique deity."

She looked at me, a mixture of thought and mischief in her eyes.

"What would make you assume that, Will?" She asked.

Not realising that she had just called me by name for once, I began.

"Well there are several factors. The most obvious is the magical appearing out of thin air. There is also..."

I paused, pulling out a notepad that I had and turning to the page with all of the info I had on her. This seemed to humour her.

"Let's see... there's:
• the flames within your eyes,
• the whole aura of calmness that you have,
• the fact that the flames and embers of the  campfire seem to be drawn to you,
• the amazing food suddenly appearing near the fire, thank you by the way."

She smiled and gave me a nod of acknowledgment. I continued.

"That's all I've got written down but what you have just told me also adds to it. And since meeting Artemis I notice you seem to emit a large amount of power. Not the same amount as Artemis, in fact even more than her, but similar still."

The deity waited minute and smiled.

"It seems that you have me more or less figured out. You are correct, I am in fact a goddess. Do you know which one I am?"

I shook my head.

She continued. "Well you somewhat know of who I am. The nickname you give me, hinny, where to you it means "female companion", it's actually a breed of donkey, my sacred animal."

"Im afraid that my knowledge of Mythology isn't that good. Also I'm waaaaaay to fucking scared to make a guess, incase i get zapped with lightning or something." I said nervously.

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