Chapter - 25 | The Attack

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[- Pringles out!]

"Are you sure about this Geordie?"

I had been standing at the edge of the clearing for the past ten minutes, plenty of time for the hunters to get into position. Behind me, hidden in the trees, was the squad of five assigned to hold the path.

It composed of the hunts best melee fighters, who apparently were Thalia with her spear and shield, Chelsea with her war-axe, two hunters with two daggers each, and Lyra who was sporting two shortswords. Judging by the glares I was receiving, she was still pissed about the fireball I hit her with a couple of weeks ago.

"Don't worry about me Chelsea. What's the worst that can happen?" I replied.

"We could die."

"Wow." I thought. "Way to dull the mood."

"Then I shall see you in Elysium" I answered and began my approach.

It was only a few minutes, but the walk felt like it took an eternity. Sure, everyone has second-thoughts, but by the time I reached the entrance, I was on my eleventh. Two dracaena were on guard and quickly spotted me.

"Halt! Who goesss there?" They demanded.

"You don't need my name. I have no business with you dracaena, for I am here to speak to your commander, the Minotaur." I announced.

The guards didn't move.

I continued. "Do not fret, I am no demigod. That, I believe even you could tell."

I began to do something I haven't done in a long time, I prayed. "To any deity listening, please let this work."

The two looked at each other and nodded. "Very well, I ssshall essscort you to him."

I nodded and sighed in relief. "Thank you." I thought.

"Your welcome." Replied an unknown voice.

Not going to lie I was a bit surprised at this, but decided to question it later as currently I was on a mission.

As I walked through the camp, I began my plan. I discreetly touched the flames of each campfire I passed. Luckily the path had a lot of twists and turns, allowing me to get coverage of most of the campsite. Of course, I received a lot of glares and looks from the site's residents. But I'm used to it (living with the hunt does that to ya).

We came to a stop outside the largest tent I've ever seen, with a bonfire out front. Monsters began to gather around to see what the fuss is about.

My escort stopped. "Wait here." She said before entering.

And so there I was, in the heart of the monster camp... all alone... surrounded... yay. I was seconds away from noping out via hearth-travel when heard the familiar sound of hoofs upon dirt. From within the tent came my hood old mate the Minotaur. Bulging muscles, shiny battleaxe on his back, and a great pair of horns. However, this time he was wearing a rather sturdy-looking metal chestplate, which was going to make this harder.

He quickly spotted and gave a quick grunt, probably asking who I was. I took a deep breath, readied myself, and gave a sinister smile.

"Alreet beefcake? Remember me?"

There was a second of confusion, followed by recognition, followed by such radiant aura of rage that if it were physical, it would have sent me flying.

"Calm down mate. Just tell me why ye lot are here and who ya working for. I doubt you could've put this together, considering your stupidity."

Celestial Sniper of the Hunt (open)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora