Looking at him through her long lashes, Arden felt a warmth spread through her chest. He believed her and for some reason that comforted her more than Drystan confirming that Kain was alive and well. Perhaps it was because she didn't trust the greater demon and hearing the words from someone she cared about and trusted unconditionally, offered her more comfort, allowing the words to sound more believable coming from Levi.

With a gentle gaze, Arden found the corners of her lips pulling up into a delicate smile, her words a soft melody, "Thankyou, Levi."

Nodding, Levi reached out, brushing a strand of hair away from her forehead before gently tucking it behind her ear. His head tilting with the action and his eyes lingering on the soft rosy glow of her cheeks. With an expression much softer than before, Levi reluctantly removed his hand and dropped it to his side. Gaze still focused on the woman before him, he began speaking, "Erwin is pulling together a platoon to go after the Armoured and Colossal. They manged to get Eren. And turns out, our mystery third shifter is Ymir."

"Ymir?" Arden repeated, her eyes widening in momentary shock. It was a surprise to hear that the energetic, scarcastic recruit was a shifter. But then again, it was the same for Reiner and Bertholdt. Both being sweet and dedicated soldiers on the surface, but secretly plotting the downfall of humanity. Arden could only hope that Ymir wasn't working with them or sharing the same agenda.

Levi hummed in agreeance, "Reports say she took on atleast 30 Titans by herself to protect the cadets in Utgard Castle. If she's with us, she'll make a great asset."

"Or an even greater enemy." Arden added somberly. Imagining Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie and Ymir working together was a frightful thought. Not to mention whatever their plans were with Eren. Humanity wouldn't stand a chance if more shifters gathered to fight against it. The only hope the people had was that the 3 Regiments would be able to come together to stop the threat before it grew unstoppable. Yet the Scouts dwindling numbers and less then desirable reputation at the moment wasn't looking good for anyone.

Levi looked down, his brows furrowing as though there was something on his mind that he wasn't quite sure whether to voice or not.

Noticing his expression, Arden leaned a little closer to him, "What is it?" She questioned, curious to know what it was that he was thinking about.

And as he looked up to see her curious stare, he took in a breath. His expression turning serious as both hands took a firm hold of her shoulders. "Erwin will be leaving soon, and if you want to go with him he won't deny you. Just say the word and we'll go."

Arden knew what he was doing. He was offering her anyway to feel comfort. Deep down, she knew that Levi was aware of her want to go after Kain, to find out exactly what it was that he was up to. And although she appreciated the idea, she couldn't. She didn't trust that Drystan would let her live if she left. Besides, her blood red orbs had wondered down to Levi's leg, specifically his ankle which was still far more injured then he let on. Even if no one else realised, Arden had caught the limp in the Captain's walk, found him gripping his leg when the pain became too much. Not to mention that it was her a few hours ago that had wrapped a bandage around his sprained ankle in the hopes that it would offer the joint more support to heal.

"'We'?" She repeated softly, not intending to hurt his feelings, "Levi, you can't go out there, you're still recovering."

"So were you a few hours ago." He quipped back before sighing and shaking his head. His hands moving from her shoulders as they began slowly rubbing up and down her upper arms. "Listen, Arden. Nothing is going to stop me from being with you when you need me. If you decide you want to go out there, then I'm with you."

Staring, Arden opened her mouth but found it hanging there for a few seconds, fumbling for words that died on her tongue. She wanted to tell him about Drystan's threat to kill her if she 'meddled' by leaving. But she couldn't. Levi didn't know about the existence of the demon realm, but she couldn't help the betraying thought that things might've been easier if he did.

Looking down, she swallowed a lump that had begun to form in her throat. Her shoulders tensing under Levi's hands when she clenched her fists at her sides. "It's better if we stay." She whispered, biting her lip.

Watching her intensely, Levi knew that despite her words, it wasn't what Arden wanted. But if it was what she chose, he would respect that. His hand came under her lowered head, taking a gentle hold of her chin and lifting until their gazes met. "You sure?" He questioned softly, wanting to make sure that she was certain about her decision.

And not trusting her mouth to say the right words, Arden nodded her head. Palms feeling sweaty as they still stayed clenched at her sides.

"Okay." Levi responded, his hand moving from her chin to wrap around her shoulders, pulling her into him. His other arm took a comfortable hold of her waist, giving it a gentle squeeze. Turning his head, he pressed a light kiss to her head before she buried her face into the crook of his neck. Her own hands coming up to wrap around his back.

It wasn't often that the two had hugged, but whenever they did, there was an indescribable feeling of security between them. A certain safety and comfort. One that had only blossomed with time into something beautiful and enchanting. Like a flower that had been victim of tough trials during its youth, but now had found exactly what it needed to overcome its trials and bloom until it was strong enough to withstand anything.

That is what Levi and Arden were to one another; the strength to carry on and become more than what the wicked had planned for them.


The dark days are crazy. It feels like time is just flying by and I'm not even realising.

I did the last chapter and then chilled for a bit. But then I realised that a whole ass week had passed, but it only felt like two  days 😭😭😭

I don't like how quick time is passing lately. Its not nice 🤧

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