Chapter Five, No More Pranks!

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*Ruby* So I'm at the picnic with Alex and he later down a blanket and we are both sitting on it. The breeze is freezing and I realize I don't have a jacket so I curl into a ball. I put my head down and the next thing I know Alex says, "It so hot out here, ima take off my jacket." So I look up at him with my nose a bright pink. "It's freezing! How are you hot?!" I asked. "Pft. It's not freezing. You are always cold cause your so short!" He said. "Grrr" I said. I pounce onto Alex and say, "I'm only an inch shorter than you!" He is laughing and I get off of him. "Whatever, just close your eyes" he said so I closed my eyes. "Hehehe, open your mouth" he said. I am confused, should I open my mouth? I feel like he would put dirt in my mouth. Fine I'll open it because I trust him. *Alex puts grass in Ruby's mouth* "Meep!" I squealed. I stand up and open my eyes. I run to a large tree while Alex is rolling around laughing."Bleh!" I said as I spit out the grass. I watch the birds fly out of the tree. *Alex grabs some more grass and throws it at Ruby's head* "You're done, you're done" I said while grabbing Alex's ankle. I gently pull it and he falls onto the grass. We are both laughing and he quickly gets up. "We should go clean up and pick up the kids" he said and I nodded.

One Hour Later

*Alex* We picked the kids up from school and Ruby is still cold! Ruby is putting the triplets down for a nap and I'm just sitting on the couch. So you all know that Ruby is too shy for my to kiss her, right? Well, I'm gonna try to make her not shy! The last time I tried to even hug her, she curled into a ball and rolled away. So I will start by hugging her.*Ruby walks into the room* Oh there she is! She walked to the counter so I'm going to sneak up on her from behind. *Alex quietly walks up to Ruby and puts his arms around her. Ruby jumped a little but didn't run away* "What?" Ruby asked. "Ohhh nothing" I replied. Ruby turns around and hugs me back. Wait there is an open water bottle behind her. Hehehe. *Alex grabs the water bottle and dumps it on Ruby's head. It runs down her face and shoulders* "First it's grass, then it's water, what's gonna be next, soap?!" She asked. "Chill love, it's just water" I replied. She swoops down and smacks me in the face with her wet hair. "He- oh I guess that's fair" I said. "Yeah now don't do it again, no more pranks" she said. "Ok, hehehe" I said suspiciously. You know I'm not gonna stop pranking her wether she likes it or not.

     *Narrator* Alex definitely should stop pranking Ruby. Or maybe Rung should just fight back! Anyway, have a rest of your day/night what's left of it. Bye LOVELIES!

Ruby's Heartbreak: Book Two|✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang