Prologue and Back Stories

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      Once there was a ten year old girl who had met the love of her life on a video game. She had met three little kids as well. Her life isn't all a Heartbreak... right?

     She was bullied by a "friend" or in other words Isabella. Isabella apologized but Ruby can't trust her.

     *back story* When Ruby was seven and almost eight, she was in public school. There was a boy named Tabby that wanted to be Ruby's friend. He was always bullied because he had long hair and put it into a ponytail. So when Ruby was hanging out with her friends on recess Tabby came and Ruby didn't want to play with him because he would get loud and crazy. Plus Ruby and her friends wanted to be left alone. But one day Ruby's friends were not at school and Tabby wanted to play with Ruby. Ruby and Tabby played and became great friends. When Ruby's other friends came back Ruby's made them be friends with Tabby. The next year when Ruby was eight, she had to be homeschooled. She missed Tabby and her friends very much. Homeschool and public school vary greatly so it wasn't easy to adapt to the change.

     She is now ten and she is still homeschooling. Since she is a dancer she still has friends. She just doesn't have as much.

    *second back story* When Alex was three years old, he was playing with his brother outside. A stranger walked up to Alex and grabbed his arm. The stranger pulled Alex towards her car but Max kicked the stranger and got Alex who was unconscious back. He laid Alex down on the floor grass and ran to his parents for help. They quickly ran back outside and Alex had woken up. When he had woke up he was hyperventilating so his parents thought they calmed him down. What his parents didn't realize was behind them Max was being silly and doing the chicken dance. Max was the one who calmed him down and made Alex happy. Max saved Alex, he is a true hero and an amazing brother.

     *third back story* Believe it or not, Ruby and Jenna are from Ireland! When Jenna was four months old and Ruby was three, they moved to America. They had to move because Ruby and Jenna's parents got divorced. So their dad took them and moved to America. It wasn't easy to move away from everything but they did it for a better life.

     We know Ruby can sing. Alex gave her the confidence to audition for a show called, The Voice of an Angel or a Devil? Ruby definitely has a voice of an Angel but she's going to audition and see what happens! (Btw this show is in real life in this story) Alex is going to be side stairs with the triplets watching Ruby. What will happen is Ruby and a few other contestants will sing, then the four judges will vote on which one is the Angle and which ones are the devil. The Angel wins seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. This is a big show with a huge audience that will watch it.

     Hope you enjoyed! If you want to be added to the story, comment any name and I'll add it! Please consider following if you liked the story so far. Chapter One will come soon but until then, bye LOVELIES!

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