(Final Chapter) Chapter Fourteen, "I have a plan.. sister"

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*Max* Me and Ruby are going for a walk. She has so much energy and walks like it's no problem... we've walked 8 miles! And she's still not tired! Like how?! "Come on your too slow!" She said then did a backhand-spring. "Ok, ok, chill" I said out of breath. Finally we made it back home! We walk in and I lay on the couch with my hand on my forehead. "Alex we're home!" Ruby yelled. She waited for a response but there wasn't one. "Alex? Max I'm going to go look for him, I'll be right back" I said. "Go ahead and don't come back!" I said. She went to go look for him.

~twenty minutes later~
*Max* I wonder where Ruby went. It's been like twenty minutes. I guess I'll go look for her. So I get up and start looking. "Ruby?" I yelled. "Ruby?" I yelled louder. "R-" I almost said but stopped as I opened the closet and see Ruby unconscious inside. "Ruby!" I exclaimed while shaking her. She then opened her eyes and they were purple. I jump back and say, "Ruby... your eyes". She gets up and is holding a knife! She swings at me but I dodge it. She swings again but this time I grab her arm and pin her to the ground. "Ruby what is wrong with you?!" I ask. Her eyes flashed purple and normal then went half purple half normal . "Ah!" She cried, "please don't hurt me!" So I let go. "Ruby what happened?" I asked. She turns around, crawls back and but her back against the wall while breathing very hard. "Max!" She exclaimed then ran up and hugged me crying. "What's wrong?" I ask, "who did this to you?" She was breathing very hard so I put my hands on her shoulder and put her in front of me. "Ruby" I said seriously. She just looked at me and slowed her breathing. "She- She- there was a knife and then purple and then-" she tried to say but I cut her off. "Purple?" I asked. She nods. That would explain her eyes. "Wait Alex!" I say while grabbing her arm and pulling her out the door. Where could he have gone? "Forest" Ruby mumbled. "What?" I asked. "Forest, she said she took him to the forest" she said quietly. "Thank you! Get in the car, we are going to the forest to find my brother!" I exclaimed while running to the car with Ruby. We get into the car and I start driving. Ruby is just starring out the window. "You ok Ruby?" I ask and she nods. She isn't talking much which is odd because she normally talks a lot. We drive a little bit farther into the forest and Ruby taps my shoulder and then points to something outside the window so I stop the car and see... Alex tied up to a tree. So I get out of the car and run to untie him. Ruby does the same. She grabs her knife that she had been carrying the whole time and cuts the rope that tied around his mouth and to the tree. Then she cuts all of the other ones tying his body. When she cut the last one he fell to the ground and wakes up. "What happened?" he asked. He looked up and saw Ruby and me. "Ruby!" He said and then hugged her. Ruby smiled and the knife fell out of her hand and onto the ground. That is the first time I've seen her smile since her eyes turned purple. Her eyes then flashed purple and her smile faded. "Alex get back" I said and he looked at me then backed away from Ruby. Ruby grabbed the knife and started to swing at Alex but I grabbed his arm and pulled him away. I run behind the car thinking he would follow but he didn't. He stayed there with Ruby. Ruby swung at him and he backed away. So she swung at him again but he backed away. Soon enough she swung at him all the way to a small cliff. Oh no they are gonna fall off! "Alex! Behind you!" I said. Alex looks behind him and sees the cliff but when he did... Ruby swung at him but this time she actually hit him. Ruby did it again and again and again. "You don't deserve my love! I hate you and I've never loved you! " Ruby yelled with a rasp in her voice. Weakly, Alex says, "I will always love you, Ruby" and falls backwards off the cliff. Ruby's eyes flash and then turn back to half purple. She sees Alex on the ground on the bottom of the cliff in some soft dirt. "Alex!" She screamed with tears coming from her eyes. She sat in her knees next to the cliff. I go sit next to her. Just as I sit down... Isabella comes out of the bushes and runs to Alex. She tries to drag him to wherever she came from but when she is dragging him Ruby grabs her knife, stands up and throws it next to her. Isabella looked up, saw us and ran. Ruby ran down the hill next to the cliff and straight toward Alex. I followed not far behind her. Ruby put her hands over the bloody wounds that she made with her knife. So I did too. Ruby let go and grabbed her bracelet. She took it apart and dropped everything on the ground except for the thread. She grabbed her knife and somehow stitched his wound with the thread. "Where did you learn how to do that?" I asked. "Do what?" She wondered. "That!" I said while pointing at the almost fully stitched wound. "I'm only stitching my mistakes" she said with a straight face. "Don't say that, you were under her control" I said and she stayed silent. She finished stitching Alex and stood up. I picked him up and put him over my shoulder. Ruby start running into the forest where Isabella went with her knife. "Stay here" she said. I look down and notice Ruby phone fell out of the back pocket of her ripped jean shorts so I call the police and ambulance. Then I chase her into the forest. Just as I was running, Alex wakes up and front rolls of my shoulders and starts running with me. Ruby keeps running and I can't see Ruby anymore. "How are you walking?! Ruby just st@bbed you" I exclaimed while running. "I'll do anything for her" he said and then starts running faster and gets ahead of me. I then see Alex come to a stop very far ahead of me. Eventually I get to him and I see Ruby and Isabella. Ruby is on the ground passes out with bruises everywhere and Alex is tying Isabellas hands behind her back with a zip tie. "Where did you get the zip tie Alex?" I asked. "That is not the problem right now" he said while finishing tying Isabella hands behind her back. We then ran to Ruby on the floor with her hair over her face. He moved her hair and saw her face is bruised and her eyes are closed. She stops breathing. "She stopped breathing, she stopped breathing, she stopped breathing!" Alex said panicked. "Hey, calm down" I said. Just as I said that, Ruby wakes up. She breaths very heavily and is looking at her bloody hands. Alex puts his hand on Ruby's back and Ruby immediately put her hands it front of her. "Ruby" Alex said softly. When Ruby heard his voice, she put her hands down and hugged Alex with tears falling from her bruised eyes. Alex's eyes also started to tear up. All I could hear is Ruby crying and footsteps coming from the paramedics running to us and the police running toward Isabella. "Is everything ok dear?" The paramedic said to Ruby. Ruby stopped hugging Alex and looked up at the paramedic with puppy dog eyes. "Come on let's go to the hospital" she said. "Will they come?" Ruby asked. "Yes" she said while we walked to the ambulance. As we were walking I heard Alex fall in a crouching position with his hand on the stitches. He looks down at it and realizes it's stitched. "Max you stitched it?" He asked. Ruby looks back at Alex behind her and hears us talking about it. She looks down with guilty eyes. "No, Ruby did before she left" I said. He looked up and smiled at Ruby but she looked down and kept walking. "Do you need medical attention too, sir?" She asked. "Yes" Alex replied. She looked at it and seemed surprised. "This is very professional stitching, did you do this?" She asked while pointing at me. "No, the girl with the bruises did" I answered. "It's very good" she said while we continued to walk to the ambulance. Once we got in to into the ambulance Ruby and Alex sat on an elevated bed in the middle and I sat on the side of the ambulance. The paramedic sat in a chair next to the bed. They both just sat there silently while the paramedic examines them. "Ruby, your not talking much. Is everything okay?" Alex asked. Ruby remained looking down and nodded. Alex touched Ruby's chin and faced his eyes toward hers. He realizes her eye is purple. "Ruby... your eyes" he said. Ruby covered her eye and looked back down. "I think it looks beautiful" he said. Ruby looked back up at him. Alex smiled and Ruby lightly smiled back at him. The paramedic looks concerned. "Is everything ok?" I asked the paramedic. She walks over to me. "The girl has some sort of purple venom or something in her bl00d" she said worried. "That would explain her eye" I said to her. "I'll go look at it" she said. She walks over to Ruby. "Can I look at your eye ma'am?" She asked Ruby. Ruby looked at the paramedic. "Wow, very pretty! Was it always glowing purple?" She asked. "No" she said quietly. "Hmm ok thank you" she said and then went back to the computer with the blood tests and stuff. Ruby's phone rings in her back pocket. She grabs it, looks at it just puts it back. "Who was that and why didn't you answer?" I wondered. "Daisy" she said quietly. "So why didn't you answer? You always answer her calls" I asked. She remained silent while still looking down. "Okay we are going to put you guys to sleep for about an hour while we get you into the hospital beds and stuff. You can just follow us into the room sir" she said I nodded. "Max, what if we don't wake up?" she asked. "You will Ruby" I replied. That's so cute of her! She sounded like a four year old. We get to the hospital and Ruby and Alex were taken in and brought to the hospital beds. That is where Ruby's scratches were stitched up and her bruises were treated. Four doctors were helping Alex. They then pushed the bed, which was on wheels, into another room. I couldn't come and see which room it was but I'm assuming it's surgery.

                        ~Two hours later~
*Max* it's been two hours already and Ruby still hasn't woken up. Alex hasn't returned from what assumed is surgery. Ruby slowly opens her eyes  and sits up. "Who are you?" Ruby said quietly looking at me. "Ruby? You don't remember me?" I asked. She shook her head. How does she not remember me? Did she loose her memory? We hear a long beep come from the room Alex is in. "Alex!" Ruby said with worried expression on her face. "So you remember him but not me" I said loudly. Ruby became quiet and turned away. She must be scared of loud voices. A few doctors push Alex on a bed back in the room next to Ruby's. "He should be awake any minute now, sir" the doctor said, "If you need anything just tell us, ma'am" Ruby nodded. Alex then opened is eyes and sat up. He looked around and then at Ruby. "Vad hände?" Alex said in our first language, Swedish. "Alex, snap out of it. We speak English now" I said seriously. "Men engelska är inte vårt första språk. Sedan när pratade du engelska?" Alex said in Swedish again. "Alex stop, vi pratar engelska nu" I said. "We do? Oh yeah I forgot we do" He said and Ruby giggled. The doctor walked in. "Sir, take these medications twice a day" the doctor said while handing Alex his medicine. "When you guys are ready, you are free to go" the doctor said. "Thank you doctor" I said. "Just doing my job" the doctor said. I'm so glad we get to go home now!

                              •back at the forest•
    *Narrator* Back the forest a phone rings... it's Isabella's phone... it stops ringing and receives a text that says...

                          "I have a plan.. sister"

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