Chapter Seven, Not A Normal Day

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     *Still Alex* "Who Daisy?" I asked. *Max nods his head and blushes* "Boy! You got a crush. Oh my gosh!" Alex said loudly and Daisy heard so they went to Alex and Max. "What happened?" Daisy asked. "Max has-" Alex tried to say but Max put his hand over his mouth. "N-Nothing Daisy" Max stuttered. "Right" Daisy said sarcastically.  Max smiled as Daisy ran back to Ruby and Jenna. "Wait what are they doing?" Alex said. "I don't know. We should wait a few minutes and come back to see what happens" Max suggested. "Okay" Alex agreed.
Ten minutes later
*Max* It's s been ten minutes. I'm going to go see what the sisters and Daisy are doing. Wait Jenna and Ruby are sisters right? Whatever. Wait where did the face paint g- oh no. *Max runs to Daisy and the sisters and sees what they are doing* "Pft" I said while laughing. "Shut your mouth Max" Ruby said while getting a rainbow painted across her face by Jenna. Daisy then grabs a brush and puts purple paint on Ruby's hair.  "And done! Like it Ruby?" Jenna asked. "Uh" Ruby stuttered. "Alex come see this!" I yelled. As Alex was coming the door bell rang. "I'll get it" Alex turned to the door and said. He opened the door. "Hi" Alex said. "Hi, I'm Brianna but you can call be Bri, nice to meet you" an unfamiliar voice said. "I'm Alex, nice to meet you too" Alex said. "I heard my friend lives here, is there any other people here?" The voice said. Ruby wiped off the paint and went to the door. "Who are you here for- wait Bri?!" Ruby asked. "R-Ruby?!" The voice asked. They hug each other. " I haven't seen you since I was like six!" Ruby said while hugging her. "Yeah, are you still doing ballet? Did you get your point shoes?" She asked while they stopped hugging. "I still have the shoes but I don't take classes" Ruby said. "Oh no! Why?" She asked. "Come here let me show you" Ruby said. *Ruby leads Bri to the nursery and the door is shut* "here they are" Ruby said as she opened the door. Ruby looked at the triplets but she saw three new born babies. There is a note on the floor so Ruby picks it up and reads it out loud. "To the parents of these three children, these children will become very young after a year passes. This will happen until the parents are eighteen and sixteen. Ruby I know you are reading this and I just want to say I'm not sorry. I hate you more than anything. This letter was from Isabella" Ruby read off the letter. As soon as she read the name, she threw the paper. Nixie started to cry. So Ruby picked her up and calmed her down. Alex wasn't in here when Ruby read the letter, only Bri, Ruby and me were in here. Ruby set Nixie back in her crib. I'm going to get Alex. *Max runs to Alex* "Alex you have to see this" Max said. "No I'm helping clean up the paint" Alex said. "It has to do with your kids or whatever" Max said. Alex immediately got up. *Max ran back to Ruby and Alex followed not far behind him* Ruby saw him, ran to him and hugged him. "What's wrong love?" Alex asked. "The triplets they-they-they are babies! There was a note that said that they will turn back to new born each year until I am sixteen! It's from I-Isabella" Ruby said. "What?! How?! How is that even physically possible?!" Alex said confused. "She probably used witchcraft or something" Bri said. "I don't know but whatever it is, I don't like it" Ruby said. "It's ok Ruby, we will just live like we are in Rolottle and they are newborns ok?" Alex said. "Ok" Ruby replied. Well that was probably very confusing for Bri because she doesn't really know the triplets or Alex. This was not a normal day.

*Isabella*Looks like my plan is working... Muhahahaha!

*Narrator* Isabella! Why?! Why would you do this? Max and Daisy we're probably gonna have a special moment and when I say special moment I mean a kiss! Eek! Oh yeah I haven't told you guys my what my name is, at 100 followers I'll tell you my name. Bye LOVELIES!

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