Chapter Two, What Have I Done?

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We know that Ruby is now in the hospital. Daisy found out about this and is now at the hospital. I hope Ruby is okay!

     *Daisy* Oh my gosh Ruby please wake up. *Has flash backs of when Ruby was in the hospital from Isabella punching Ruby at her wedding, but that was in a game and this was real life* No, no, no, no, no! I won't let this keep happening! "Daisy it's okay, I'm worried about her to-" Alex tried to say but I interrupted him. "I will not let her hurt my best friend!" I yelled. "D-Daisy?" Alex stuttered. I run out of the hospital leaving everyone shocked. Where is Isabella?! *Isabella is just casually walking by listening to music when Daisy grabs her shoulders* "What have you done to my best friend?!" I asked. "I-I" She stuttered. "TELL ME!!" I yelled while shaking her. "I wanted to win, she is so mean for winning" She said. "That's does not mean you can kill her!" I said. Her face looked sad and guilty when I accidentally said killed. "I-I what? I k-killed her?" She said while I let go. "No but you actually care about her?" I said. "Well, yeah because she was my first ever friend. When I was bullied, she stood up for me. Now look what I've done" she said while her eyes tear up, she looks at her and a tear falls into them. "Daisy! Daisy!" Alex said while running out of the hospital to me. "What? What?" I ask. "Come back, I think Ruby is going to wake up soon!" He said. Me and him both run back to Ruby and sit on chairs next to Ruby's bed. Ruby opens her eyes and sits up quickly while breathing extremely hard. "Hey, hey, Ruby it's ok" Alex said while putting his hand on Ruby's shoulder. When he did Ruby got scared. Ruby looked around and said, "I-Isabella". A doctor runs into the room and sees Ruby sitting up and walks back out. "Alex? Daisy?" She said while looking at Alex then me. Me and Alex both smiled. The same doctor walks in again and says, "Your free to go when ever you would like to". She then walks out. So me and Alex stand up and Ruby gets out of the bed. We all walk out of the hospital and doesn't walk straight then she falls. Alex helps her up and puts her arm over his shoulder. "How are you so light?" Alex asked. Ruby didn't answer and looked lost. "Hey, Ruby, you good?" Alex asked. "Yeah" Ruby said. We get onto our bikes and ride home. Ruby crashed like twice and she could not go in a straight line. What medication did they give her?! Anyway we are at Alex's house that Ruby basically lives at and Ruby is asleep on their couch. Me and Alex are sitting at his table. "I noticed she wasn't walking straight and kept falling" I said concerned. "Yeah, I'm not sure why" he said. I gave him an oh really look. "I didn't do anything" he said. "Maybe she was just tired from singing and being tackled yesterday " I said. "Yeah. What did you think? We worked out earlier? No!" He said. "Yeah, yeah, be quite," I said, "I'm gonna go now, bye!" I get off the chair. "Bye" he said. I think Ruby was just really nervous yesterday.

*Narrator* Thank gosh Ruby was okay! Daisy is a very good friend and they will always be there for Ruby. Alex is a good partner. Anyway, hope you enjoyed, BYE LOVELIES!

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