Chapter Thirteen, Rewatching Old Videos

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                  ~After Ruby recovered fully~
*Ruby* I am looking at some old pictures and videos and I apparently screen recorded me and Alex's Rolottle weddding! Ima go show Alex. "Oh Alex!" I say. "Yes Ruby?" He asked. "I found something your really gonna love" I exclaimed. He leans over and looks me in the eyes. "And what's that?" He wondered. "I screen recorded our Rolottle wedding" I said with a smile. His face immediately lit up. He grabs my shoulders and says, "show me!". "Okay, okay, chill", I say then get my phone and plug my phone into the TV. The video starts playing on the TV and we sit down on the couch. As soon as we sit down, the baby starts crying. I get up because I have already watched the video. I walk into the room and it stops crying. "Odd" I think to myself. So I go and sit back on the couch with Alex. He puts his arm around me and I lay on his shoulder.

~For those of you who don't remember or haven't read it, this is what is on the TV~ ":" That mean "*"
* Ruby * OH MY GOSH!!!! Today is the day! I'm getting married on Rolottle in five hours. Alex said his brother ( Max ) is gonna get a cake on his way to the wedding. It's at Rolottlenia Park. I'm gonna ask Jenna if she wants to be the flower girl. : Ruby goes to Jenna : " Hi Jenna, wanna be a flower girl at me and Alex's wedding? " I asked. : Jenna's face lit up : " YES! I would love to be a flower girl! " she said with a lot of excitement. " Ok, ok, calm down " I said. " sorry, I'm gonna make my character super fancy! " she said. " ok see you at Rolottlenia Park! " I said. " Yeah, yeah, see you there " she said while customizing her character.

* Isabella * Today is the day of the wedding. I still don't know where it's at sadly. Hmm... oh I know! I can follow Ruby's car! She lives down the street from my house. I'll change my character to look kinda fancy. : Isabella joins Rolottle : I'll wear a light pink dress. I wonder where it is. I guess I'll find out!

     * Ruby * Daisy is now the priest! I'm so excited. I'm going to put my character in the wedding dress. : Ruby joins Rolottle : wow this dress is beautiful! It has no straps and it's white. I also have a bouquet of red and pink flowers. Let's go pick Daisy up. : Ruby drives to Daisy's house : " Hi Daisy! You look so pretty in your dress " I said. " Thank you! You look so pretty too " she said. : Ruby and Daisy drive to Rolottlenia Park with Isabella following their car : " we're here! " I said. " Great! I'll practice my speech. See ya! " Daisy said. " Ok " I replied. : Max goes to the table and places a tall cake on it : Wow that cake is beautiful! It has four layers and has pearls on it. Max is the D.J. He is going to play the song I walk down the isle to ( A Thousand Years but instrumental )in a couple minutes! Alex is already down the aisle, Jenna is I front of me like she is supposed too and Daisy is also down the aisle. I'll get into position too. : The song starts to play, Jenna starts to walk and throw rose petals down the aisle : I'm going to walk to Alex. : Ruby starts to walk down the aisle : All my family and friends are sitting in the seats! This song... it so pretty and means so much to me and Alex. Daisy looks amazing! She has a white dress that fades into lavender at the bottom. Lavender symbolizes love, calmness and grace. White symbolizes purity, innocence, equality and new beginnings. So it makes sense why we're wearing it. This is one of the best days of my life!

* Alex * Wow, Ruby looks beautiful and Jenna is adorable! She's throwing rose petals just like the roses at the garden that I proposed to Ruby at. Ruby's friend Daisy is standing next to me and she looks pretty too. : Ruby finishes walking down the aisle: "Welcome lady's and gentlemen, I thank you all for coming" Daisy said. "In these vows you are about take is a lot of responsibility and sanity. Now please say your vows " She said. " In the name of god, I, Alex, take you, Ruby, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, you will be my light when it's dark and my sunshine on rainy days, until parted by death " I said while softly smiling. : Ruby's eyes fill with tears : " In the name of god, I, Ruby, take you, Alex, to be my husband, I'll stand by you forever, and I will always be there for you, I promise that I will always be a shoulder to cry on and to wipe away your tears, love brought us together, but our devotion and championship will keep us together, I will never leave you, during the highs and the lows, until parted by death " Ruby said. : Alex and everyone else's eyes fill with tears as well and Ruby and Alex exchange rings : " Wear these rings as a reminder of the vows you have just taken " Daisy said. " You may kiss the bride " she said. : Ruby and Alex share their first kiss as a married couple while everyone cheers : " Oh gosh, weddings do something to you " my mom whispered to my dad while wiping her tears from her eyes. My dad looks at her and nodes his head. : Celebration ( the song ) plays and Alex and Ruby walk back down the aisle together holding hands : " yay! " Ruby shouted. : Isabella comes out of the bushes : " Not so fast" Isabella said. " Ruby..." she said : Isabella pushes her to the ground : " Hey! Back off! " I said. " No " she said. : Ruby put her hands in an X shape in front of her face : Ruby is breathing so hard she'll hyperventilate ( to breathe rapidly )! : Alex stands in front of Ruby and puts his hands out : " Back off! " I said." NO! I'm done seeing you guys la-de-da falling in love! Now stand back so I can end this once and for all " Isabella said while her hand is in a fist so she can punch Ruby. : Isabella pushes Alex out of the way, punches Ruby and Ruby passes out : " RUBY! " Daisy and I yelled. : Isabella walks away : " Sissy! " Jenna said. : Alex calls an ambulance and it arrives : " Over here! " I shouted while waving my hands in the air. : The Ambulance driver drives to Ruby and puts her in the Ambulance with Alex: I hope she'll be ok.

* Ruby * "W-What happened?" I asked." Alex, Alex wake up! Ruby's awake! " Daisy said. " She is? Oh my gosh she is! " Alex said. " Is Isabella here? " I asked tiredly. " No, your safe Ruby " Daisy said while putting her hands on the hospital bed. " The last thing I remember is putting my hands in front of my face in an X shape. Did Isabella punch me? " Ruby asked. " Yeah " Alex said. : A doctor goes to Ruby : " How are you feeling Ruby? " the doctor asked. "I'm feeling much better" Ruby replied. " Great then you can go home! Have a nice day!" The doctor said. : Ruby gets out of the hospital bed : " Thank you, have a nice day! " I said. : Ruby, Daisy and Alex walk to Ruby's car and Daisy drives them to Ruby and Alex's house they moved into the day before the wedding : " Bye Daisy " I said while hugging her. " Bye " she replied. I have a big bruise on my head now, this is not good.
Btw I did copy and paste this from chapter one wedding... so there may be errors still.

*Ruby* I-I am so confused... why did she punch me it's a video game. "That was interesting" I said. "That was sad" he mumbled. He then hugged me. "Oh come on your too old to be such a baby" I said. He lifts my up and throws me onto the couch. "Hey!" I exclaimed. I go to attack him but he simply put his arm out and on my forehead. "Grrrr" I said. He just laughed.

*Narrator* I really enjoyed reliving their wedding and I hope Ruby finally figured out how to attack Alex! LOL

*Creator* Hi LOVELIES! So sorry I haven't continued this in so long, I've been extremely busy and haven't had any time or motivation to write. But I'm back! So I hope you enjoyed, bye for now LOVELIES!

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