I pushed myself off the ground and went over to him. I shook him a bit and spoke. "Present Mic should we go back to the classroom now?" He didn't wake up, I shook him again. "Present Mic?"

Something is wrong.

I quickly ran out of the library and saw some students walking towards me. I should ask them for help, they were just students but still, they could probably be more helpful than I was.

They stopped a few meters away from me. "Hey you're-" I cut her off. "Present Mic needs help. He's not waking up." The purple-haired girl quickly understood and ran to get help while the black-haired girl stayed with me.

We went back to Present Mic and she started feeling his head. "He's burning up. He might be sick." Of course he is, he's been coughing like he's infected all day.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" She looked at me. "I'm not sure, it could just be a common cold but it could be something that'll take a while to fight back."

I nodded along like I understood what she was talking about. The library door opened and the purple-haired girl, Recovery Girl and Eraserhead came rushing over.

He immediately looked at me while Recovery girl went to Present Mic's care. "What happened?" He sounded angry.

"I wanted to see the library so he brought me here and it's been like I don't know two hours maybe. I lost track of time, he wanted to rest so I just sat down and read but when I realized I lost track of time I tried to wake him up but he wouldn't. I didn't know what to do so I-"

Eraserhead cut me off. "Kid it's okay. You did the right thing getting help." I didn't realize I had tears in my eyes until he cut me off.

"He's gonna be okay." We both looked at Recovery girl. "Really?" She nodded. "Yes, he just has a really bad cold. Stupid man probably tried to brush it off as nothing."

She motioned Eraserhead over and he picked up Present Mic. "I'll take him home, I'll be back before lunch. Get Cementos to cover my class."

He was about to start walking when he realized I had nowhere to go. "Stay with Recovery girl until I get back." I just nodded and they both left.

I turned back to the girls from before and bowed. "Thanks for getting help." They seemed surprised I spoke to them, even though I spoke to them a few minutes ago.

"It's no problem. It's kinda what we do." What they do? The black haired shook her head at her. "You're L/n right. Midoriya told us he met you yesterday."

Midoriya, are they in the same class as him? She held out her hand for me to shake, I did so and let go. "Yeah, I did. I haven't gotten the chance to meet anybody else but him and the teachers."

She smiled at me. "Well I'm Momo Yaoyorozu and this is-" The other girl cut her off. "Kiyoko Jiro."

At least now I won't have to identify them by their hair colors. "It's nice to meet you," I said back. "Well, we better get back. See you later, L/n."

I waved at them. "You too." They left and now it was just me and Recovery girl.

I made sure to grab my books before following her to her office.  "You seem to be getting along with the students just fine." I looked over at her confused.

It was a weird thing to point out. "Yeah, why wouldn't I?" She shrugged. "It's nothing, just something Eraserhead told me." I stopped walking and when she saw I did she did too. "What did he say?"

Did he tell her about me staying away from the students? She saw the look on my face and sighed. "He just said maybe it's not good that you're all by yourself all the time."

I thought for a moment. "When did he say that?" She smiled and began walking again.

"Just before Jiro came to us for help."

Recovery girl gave me a juice box and told me to sit on the bed.

I did so and continued reading those books from the library as she worked. I feel like a little kid but I didn't care at this point.

After a while, the door opened and Eraserhead walked in. "You're back already?" Recovery girl asked him as she turned to look at him.

"Yeah, it wasn't hard to get him into the house and the bed." I squinted my eyes at him. He's being weird again.

He looked over at me. "You alright kid?" I was surprised he had asked me that but I answered anyway. "Yeah, I'm fine."

I at least think I am, I don't know. I just feel weird about being in that situation, that's all.

He nodded and came over to us. "Are you alright with doing your test today?" I honestly didn't want to do one of those stupid tests again. But they wanted me to so I didn't feel like I was in a position to say no.

"Yeah, I can do it." That was enough convincing for him and Recovery girl.

She grabbed a piece of cloth and came over to me. "This test will focus on touch to trigger your memory. You'll be blindfolded but we'll be right here at all times."

A nervous pit formed in my stomach. I think Eraserhead took notice. "You'll be alright, we're gonna be right here." I haven't noticed but lately, they've been nice to me.

I wonder what changed. I nodded and let Recovery girl put the blindfold on me.

It was pitch black.

1478 Words

How was it?

Damn...Aizawa being a jackass is so hot....im sorry

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