Chapter 14 - The Girl

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**************Kailens POV**************

Finally the end of classes; I think I'm starting to like Earth, when I was back home I was on the job 24/7 but here i finally have time to relax. To be the teen not the assassin sent to do a rich mans dirty work. And then there's the girls, or the girl; I haven't seen Ella all day, she just vanished on me last night and I can't stop thinking about her. I have probably already walked past her once without even know it. And then I heard it, the familiar sounds of a poor student being punished by their peers.

"Hahahaha Ella, tripping over your own feet now"  

"Hahaha Ella, why do you have to be so dumb, your bringing the rest of the class down" 

"Yeah Ella, why can't you just be normal, like everyone else"

"Your no good at anything, why don't you just go back to where-ever you came from, you will never fit in here" The voices were in another corridor, one I had already walked down from my Chemistry lab, but they were cruel; even worse than walking through the Whispering Forest, and in there the trees tell you how bad you look. The world began to slow, almost slow motion as a girl walked by me heading for the exit; It was as though everyone else faded out into a blur and she was the only one still in focus. And just as soon as she arrived, she was out the door and the world suddenly sped up around me. 

That was her, the girl from last night, Ella.

I picked up my pace, throwing my rucksack across my chest so I could start a jog out into the sunlight. I caught a glimpse of her sprinting round the corner or the school gates and onto the road. But as soon as I arrived, she was gone again, off around another bend and boy was she fast. I think I followed her for at least two miles, but she still wasn't slowing down, how could this girl run so fast? Was it even her? I may be an Assassin back home, but I was out to get Arabella not a poor girl I happened to follow home. But in my mind I knew she was the girl, she had to be; so I kept following, but she still wasn't slowing down and I was shattered. I stopped for a moment, hands braced on my knees as I caught my breath; I was opposite the park the one that Dimension Keeper had dumped me in the night I arrived; ugh my jacket is still soaked from all that pond water, I think I caught a frog too. But when I looked up again she was just walking, she had finally stopped and she wasn't even out of breath. I followed at a distance, I wasn't exactly stalking, just observing a specific person, when they didn't know I was there. But I stayed with her, hiding whenever she turned back to look the way she came. We passed the pond which was now surprisingly pretty, all different shades of blue, but I'm sure a frog was watching me with distaste; I never was a fan of them, especially the five foot ones we have in the Marsh Pools. I took my eyes of her for one moment and she was gone, just vanished into thin air; but I had a gut feeling, so not one to go against what my mamma always said, I followed it. Around the side of the over sized pond and towards the willow forests from last night. And before I could peel back the curtain i could hear her crying softly to herself; see her silhouette kneeling beside the pool of glowing water, and hear her muttering through her tears.

"Why Is it So difficult?"

I couldn't help myself, so I answered her from outside the wall of leaves, "Because High school is made to hurt the weak, and give power to the popular" I wished I hadn't said anything because I heard her gasp as she backed away from the wall of willow......... 

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