Chapter 9 - Kailen

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********Kailen POV********

I landed, in a pond. Typical Dimension Keepers, never were ones for a soft landing. "Now the Princess, where would she be hiding, a hotel maybe, or maybe she is being hidden by someone." So I clambered out of the muddy pond and headed into town, I have been here before, I chased a run-away Elf nobleman  through this town last month. Walking through town in the middle of the night was strange, Earth didn't believe in magic so there were no night markets and everyone was asleep but I headed for the Hotel.

After walking for a good twenty minutes i reached the cross roads at the centre of the town, five roads coming out from a fountain of the original Duke who owned this area, in between each of the five roads was a building with the door on the very corner. One a Bookshop, another a restaurant, a house, a Cafe and a boarded up home. I headed for the door of the empty boarded up house. I grabbed the chain of the blood red pendant that was looped around my neck and drew around the edge of the door. The deep red light from the edges grew until the entire door was glowing blood red. I took a step through the doorway and entered the Tavern back at home. I had grown up in this place, the triangular room was double story with a balcony along the top floor moving off into rooms all around the edge. The ground floor was filled with old battered wooden tables filled with creatures drinking the best beer in the whole kingdom. As I stepped through I was greeted by Elves and Goblins the like; everyone knew I was the Assassin, but everyone in this side of the country was in no danger from me. I walked deeper into the rich smelling room, the bright bunting showing along the bottom of the balcony. I reached the counter at the back and waited, I didn't have to wait long apparently. 

"Kailen, Oh I am so happy to see you" A woman dived at me and I was being gripped so hard I thought my arms would go dead. 

"Mamma, I am so happy to see you" I realised who she was mid hug, the tell tale smell of Ale and Beer filling the air around her.

"I thought you were on a Job, the Princess isn't it? I always knew she would do something wrong, too pretty to be kept alive." she didn't wait for my answer before she continued, my dad had been an assassin just like me, but he had gone missing on a job almost ten years ago.

"Kailen, you will need these......" she dragged me into a back room and handed me a pile of clothes, Mortal clothes, "........I don't know why yet, but I know you will need them" and then she walked away and closed the door behind her.

My mamma may be a Tavern owner but she has have prophetic dreams since I was born. She can see the future, but mamma has never been to Earth, so she does not know what much of it means. But looking down at the pile of clothes resting on my lap I knew I had to blend in with other teens, and that meant going to school. "Ugh, no one goes to school here" but It was late and I was tired, so I curled up on the rough bed pushed to the back of the dusty and smelly room and fell asleep, dreaming of the prize I would get having 'disposed' of the Princess Arabella.


Morning came all to soon, I never was a morning person. But I managed to force myself out of the scratchy covers and get the new clothes on. I hated Earth, it is a boring place, but I escaped the tavern without another smothering hug from my mamma. I pushed open the Syltyn doorway and walked out of glowing red light and into a bustling Monday morning in Earth. I knew the school, an old sandstone coloured building, Huge and very old. I slugged my way up to the gates, I knew the Head Teacher from the last journey here so I knew entry to the school would be easy. Inside was the same as I remember, cold and plain, the walls whitewashed and dirty with mud and pen marks up every wall. The office was just as plain, after knocking a few times I got the chance to go inside. "Ah Kailen, how good to see you again, has your family come back for a while?" The plump head mistress said as she stood up from her huge desk to greet me.

"Yes ma'am my father just got transferred back here again, so I wondered if I could get back into class for a while?" 

"Why of course Kailen you are welcome back anytime, I suppose you know your lesson timetable?"

"Yes I do, thank you" and then I walked away, making sure I closed the door before leaving. School was going to be boring, it always was, I don't understand how Humans put themselves through it, oh they don't have a choice do they? 

Four o'clock came far to slowly and I hurried for the door. i escaped before the others and waited, If Arabella was on Earth, this would be where she was. So I waited in the sun as a steady stream of students began to leave. And then it got too hot, for even me. Without my jacket my bare arms burned in the sun. So I began walking across the river of people headed for the shade. I could sense someone watching me, I could feel their eyes scanning, but I continued for the shade and melted into it like I had been taught. From their I waited, no one walked by with long hair and black eyes, "she must not be here"  I said to myself, but I knew she would have to be, no seventeen year old wouldn't be able to hide in such a small town. And once the river of students faded into a stream something caught my eye. A portal, a blue portal; only one person could create that, and that was Princess Arabella. So I ran into the shade of an old willow just to see the final dot of blinding light vanish into the air. I had missed her, but I was willing to wait till I found her...........


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