Chapter 10 - A Little Help From Grandma

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The portal opened in the living room of grandmas house, and I sprang out of it and dived for the kitchen, "GRANDMA! GRANDMA! He was there he was there!!!" 

She glanced up at me as I stood there red in the face and looking like I had run a marathon, "Where? where did you see him?" She had panic in her voice, but kept her face calm, keeping all emotion on the inside.

I followed her to the table, our new 'Important decision and talk table' "Come on dear, tell me all about it?"

"I was coming out of school, when the world stopped, actually stopped!! And he was there I knew it, I could feel it"

"How do you know it was him? No one knows him?" 

"The feeling Grandma, the one that you told me to look for, he was there, watching me from a distance." I began to cry again, it was becoming a bit of a habit on Earth. Why was everything so difficult here?

And then we talked, just talked. It was something I had not done since my mother married King Dioret, something really foreign to me. Hours passed till we realised it was late, very late. But grandma wasn't finished with me yet. "Ella, we have something for you to complete"

"We, who's we?" Now I was confused 

"The Dimension Keepers and I need you to complete a task, we need to you to see how bad things are back in Syltyn"

"Well, why can't you do that, if i go back, the Serentali will kill me, that's why they sent the assassin isn't it?" 

"Oh dear Ella, did your mother not teach you anything, just follow what I do"

Grandma is surprisingly nimble in her old age. We ended up sitting on the floor in the Buddha position. Everyone in our Dimension has pendants like mine and grandmas, Each colour depends on social ranking, The Kings is pure gold, the Queen Silver, Princes Deep Blue and the Princess, that's me is Sea green. Grandmas was warm orange and glowed as she held it in her outstretched hand, and in the blink of an eye she was.....glowing? 

No she couldn't be, but she was she was......glowing. And then she zoned out her eyes frozen on a spot on the wall behind me. 

Just follow what I do That's what Grandma had said, so I took her advice.

I stretched out before pulling both feet over my knees, took off my pendant and stretched out my hands. Taking a deep breath I focused all my energy on the gem and fell calm flow over me and then everything went black...........


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