27. Piece of a Drama

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"Is Hae-rang asleep already?!" Jin asked, closing his laptop, when Jungkook came into his home office.

"Yes. She must be tired. She fell asleep just on the first page of the story I was reading." Jungkook said, sitting and leaning back on Jin's desk to face him. He took Jin's hand to his, caressing it gently.

"You must be a boring storyteller, that's why she fell asleep too fast." Jin chuckled a bit, which earned a glare from Jungkook.

"Ha, really?!" Jungkook pulled Jin to stand and lean his body to his, embracing him close.

"I'm kidding! You are definitely not boring, Jungkook."

"That's right. I thought I haven't entertained you enough, baby." Jungkook smiled, "But, I have to say you are a much better storyteller. Those kids earlier liked you too much..

Thank you for doing that for Hae-rang today. She told me she really loves you and that she's the happiest today. Even happier than her last birthday - that's a big deal, you know?!"

"Wow! I'm glad to know that. I just did what I had to. But I hope I did not cross any line for you - as her parent. I don't mean to--"

"Nonsense. Of course not! You did way more than you should for my daughter. And I shouldn't give you that burden, as it should be me or Jimin doing that. That reminds me- I have to talk to Jimin. We agreed that he would be the one to accompany Hae-rang. What he did really pissed me off!"

"Yeah, just don't be too hard on him. The last thing I would want is another misunderstanding with him. He might get another reason to ruin my image from Hae-rang's perspective."

"There's no way Hae-rang can see you in a negative way now. I just told you - she loves you so much. And she's happy with you. I am too, Seokjin."

Jin smiled, "I am very happy to hear that, Jungkook. I was always worried about how I'm going to fit into your world. This came to me so fast, and I didn't expect any of these. Therefore, I was very much agitated at how everything will turn out."

"I'm sorry if you feel that way. But let me tell you - I, myself, am having a hard time too fitting in my own world. So being with you gives me a whole lot of different feeling. It's like being in my own world-- with you, in our very own world.."

Jungkook leaned in for a very gentle kiss. Jin could only smile and mutter, "Thank you for letting me know. Now, I am a bit more relieved."

"Good. You must be stressed by all these, added to that was your big procedure has just finished. It's the perfect time for our Baltimore trip, right?! You deserve a great break, baby."

"Yes, I think so too. And we haven't been in a trip together. So I am excited for that."

"Me too. But uhm- there's something I'd like to ask first." Jungkook smiled a bit, pulling Jin closer to him by the waist.

"What is it?"

"Remember, before you think too much, I am saying that this is totally optional, okay?" Jin nodded at Jungkook's words. "So-- it's mum and dad's anniversary dinner on the weekend. The family will be there, as well as the Jung's and some other close acquaintances of my parents. Would you be comfortable to join us?!"

"Oh-? Y-your mum and dad?" Jin slightly stepped back to stare at Jungkook intently.

"Yes." Jungkook noticed a change in Jin's face so he said, "As I've said, it's okay if you're not ready to meet them yet. They obviously know about you. And my dad has been seeing you in the hospital. You just haven't really met them personally yet.

If you would ask me, I don't want to attend. I know what happens during events like it - my parents pay more attention to the visitors than us - their family. So there's no use of going. But I'm their only son, so I don't have much of a choice. Hae-rang does not enjoy gatherings like those too. So we won't need to stay that long."

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