1. Deep In A Dream

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Jin walked into the room with a wide smile on his face, his eyes went straight to the face of the man he loves, "Good morning, Namjoon-ah!"

He then stopped at his tracks and sighed, he raised his right hand and showed Namjoon his fingers, "Yeah, yeah.. I am wearing our ring! All of my patients know I am engaged, okay?"

Jin placed his things on the side table, then took the small basin already there, in which he poured hot water then mixed a little amount of a cold one. He took a small face towel and dipped it into the lukewarm water and squeezed it dry.

Then he sat at the side of the bed, facing Namjoon, "All of them ask me who's the lucky guy. But I told them I am the lucky one- well, they can tell just by looking at the big stone in my ring." Jin chuckled softly. "More than that, I am very lucky to be loved by the most handsome, gorgeous, sexy ass and brain, the kindest man ever.."

Jin smiled sadly as he stares at Namjoon's face. His tears are quick to form in his eyes, as he gently wiped Namjoon's cheek with the wet towel. He then leaned down to kiss his forehead.

He just looked at Namjoon's face for a while, then he continued to clean his face, careful not to hit the breathing tube fixed in Namjoon's mouth.

"So b-babe.. can you a-already wake up p-please?! Coz I-- really, really miss you..." Jin then burst into tears upon saying this. He let his tears stream down his face while he covers his mouth to suppress his hard cries.

He then breathes in deeply to calm his self down. He shook his head and let out a deep breath, then he wiped his tears with the sleeve of his white coat. He dipped the towel again into the basin and continued cleaning Namjoon, now his arm, which Jin raised a bit to rest on his lap.

"Namjoon-ah, it's been six months now. Aren't you tired of sleeping?! It was supposed to be our wedding already last weekend, but you stood me up! Do you know how many men desire to be my groom?! But they're all no match to you, I always say. I told them that you're going to lock up in jail whoever dares to touch me..

You are the only one who could love me the way I love you, Namjoon. So please hurry now, hmm? Please hurry and wake up now, babe. I am still waiting for you."

Jin pressed his lips to prevent himself from crying further as he stares at his fiancé lying on the hospital bed, equipped with a ventilator and ECG which monitors his pulse, BP and heart rate.

It's been more than six months now when Namjoon suffered from aneurysm. He was on a police operation when he suddenly fell into the ground due to a severe headache.

That's when he was diagnosed with the said condition, wherein a certain blood vessel in his brain was severely swollen, causing it to shatter. He had undergone surgical clipping, but to the most unfortunate case, he fell into comatose since.

Jin couldn't blame the neurosurgeon who did Namjoon's procedure as he's done his best. He was even there during the operation to assist him, but unfortunately, fate wasn't on their side.

Namjoon's family, along with Jin, are trying to consider other options - like bringing Namjoon to other countries to try and revive him back. But given that he's in a comatose, there aren't plausible ways to help his condition.

Jin, being a doctor himself, knows deep within him what Namjoon's condition is. He is now brain-dead and only the various equipment are giving him support to continue breathing and his heart to continue beating.

But Jin is still holding onto the littlest hope that Namjoon will come back to him. Therefore, he is willing to wait even if it takes forever.


After Jin cleaned Namjoon up and changed him into a new hospital gown, he took note of his stats from the monitors.

Then a nurse knocked slightly and came in, "Dr. Kim, Director Min is looking for you. He said he'd like to discuss something important with you in his office."

Jin nodded and handed his stats sheet to the nurse, "Okay, thank you. Please take this to Dr. Imperial. Then can you please replace Namjoon's dextrose? And also, please follow up the scheduled cleaning of his room. Please remind them to be careful not to move his bed too much. Thank you Amy."

"Sure, Dr. Kim."


"Yoongi, you wanted to see me?" Jin said as soon as he came into the director's office. He sat across him in his desk.

"Yeah. How's Namjoon doing?"

"Same. No progress. Not even an inch. No anything." Jin sighed and leaned his back at the chair.

"I'm sorry, Jin. And I'm sorry to say this again, but you knew exactly that this will be the case, right? Must you hurt yourself over and over again?" Yoongi said calmly.

"And what are you saying? I should let go now?" Jin breathes in deeply and closed his eyes.

"Jin, Namjoon's family has already signed the consent for his organs to be donated anytime it is needed. But they told me not to do anything without your permission."

"Yoongi, how many times do I need to tell you- I am not giving up on Namjoon! His family might have given up on him already, but not me!" Jin started to tear up once again.

"Jin please, I am your best friend. I only want what's best for you. You deserve to be happy too. And that won't happen if you won't move on from this..

Aside from being your best friend, we have a sworn oath as well to save more lives to the best of our abilities. Therefore, I won't get tired of asking you this. Namjoon's organs are still in a good condition. Especially his heart. And it would be such a big regret if we miss the opportunity for his organs to save other lives.

I have this patient who's very close to having a heart failure. He's barely hanging in there. He's a chaebol son, a billionaire, and his family is willing to pay the donor any amount. Though the donation should be in kind, they are insistent to pay a lot. And those lots can help Namjoon's family, Jin.

You can't continue to support his family's everyday needs, as well as his siblings' education. You are the one paying for his hospital bills already. Until when can you endure this? I am not saying what you're doing is wrong, just consider the circumstances, not only for you and his family. But also for Namjoon..

Jin, it's time to let him rest. His kidneys and liver will be damaged soon because of the continuous medications. Don't you think he's getting tired as much as you are?"

Yoongi walked to Jin to take his hand and squeeze it gently. The latter just continued to cry, so Yoongi pulled him into an embrace.

"I'm so sorry, Jin. I wish there are better words that I can say to bring you comfort. But nothing can change the fact that you are still in too much pain. And all I can do is be there with you as you go thru this pain. I care for you so much, Jin. So please give this a thought. If you wish to talk to someone else, just let me know. I'll ask my husband to find someone who can best relate with what you're going thru."

Jin shook his head and wiped his tears, "No, thank you. There's no need for Taehyung's counseling, neither of any of his colleagues. I'm good. I will think about it tonight, hmm? Thank you, Yoongi."

"Okay. Always remember that I love you, Jin. You are stronger than you think you are. And please consider what Namjoon might want for you too in this situation. He wouldn't want you to continue suffering for him."


A/n: Hey loveys.. I hope you let me know your thoughts! 💜

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