8. Locked Deep

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Jin's mind was high on the clouds as he walked through the aisle that leads to his unit. His head felt heavy because of too much wine he had drunk the night before.

And it didn't help that his body is aching all over, more especially his lower half. It's been a while since he did any sexual activity, therefore even if Jungkook was so gentle at him, he's still feeling the pain after everything.

Upon reaching the door, he rested his forehead against it for a while and closed his eyes. With a sigh, he whispered to himself, "What the hell are you doing, Kim Seokjin?!"

Jin was feeling happy and satisfied before he left the penthouse with Jungkook. He had a great night with the fine man, who really made him feel cherished. But as he drove home, he got torn between liking what happened, and realizing he's not like this at all.

After letting out another deep breath, he stood straight and pushed his thumb onto the handle for the door to open. As he stepped forward, he suddenly heard Yoongi's voice.

"Jin!! You just got home??! I knew it!" Yoongi said loud as he approached Jin.

Jin rolled his eyes weakly, and continued to get into his apartment.

"Good morning too, Yoongi. Why are you here so early?!" Jin asked softly as he held the door open so Yoongi can get inside.

"Because you weren't responding last night. Just as I expected, you spent the night with Mr. Jeon, didn't you?!"

"Yoongi, I'm really sleepy. My shift is still in the afternoon, why do you need to fetch me here?!"

"You're not answering the question, Seokjin." Yoongi breathed in deeply, but his gaze was intense.

"So what if I spent the night outside? I'm a grown up man, Yoongi, mind you. I'm not a kid anymore."

"Yes, you're not a kid anymore. But you're clearly not in the right mind yet!"

"Excuse me-- what?! Are you saying I'm out of my mind?!"

Yoongi sighed, "You know that's not what I'm saying. I already told you not to go out with Mr. Jeon unless you're sure you've moved on completely. You said that was a friendly dinner. Then you ended up spending the night with him? Great, just great, Jin!"

"Okay, fine. That was not expected, I admit. But what if I tell you that I am starting to like him and--"

"No, you don't like him, Jin! Don't fool yourself into thinking that you like him because of him! You're just drawn to him because of Namjoon!

Please.. I am only looking after you. You know I always do. I don't want you getting hurt in the end. You don't know the Jeons - their family, Jungkook's parents. The old Jeon has been my father's patient for a long time already, and it's not easy working with them. More so being involved with their family."

Jin let out a very deep breath,
"I know, Yoongi. I understand what you're trying to say. Please don't worry too much, okay? It's not as serious as you think."

"Not serious?! What are you doing then? Playing around?! You're not like that at all, Jin!"

"No, of course not. I'm not. Look-- I don't know, okay! Last night was beyond my control, I gave in just like that. I'm sorry..

I'm sorry coz I wasn't thinking. I just miss him so much Y-yoongi.. I just-- m-miss him.."

Jin's tears started to form as he spoke, so Yoongi shook his head and quickly pulled him for an embrace.

"I know you do. It's a normal thing that you miss him, Jin. But diverting your attention to Mr. Jeon isn't a way to make you feel better. Please. I told you, I'm just here for you. Whatever you need, just tell me and I'll try my best." Yoongi said.

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