23. I Had Been Alone

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Jin ran his fingers over Jungkook's scar on his chest while both of them still tried to catch their breaths. His head was resting on Jungkook's shoulder, while the latter held his naked body tight close to his own.

Jin then closed his eyes and smiled sweetly - feeling Jungkook's chest and listening to his heartbeat - still racing fast after their strenuous activity. Both could only hear this along with each other's breathing, and could feel the warmth of their bare bodies against each other under the duvet that's covering just half of them.

Then Jungkook spoke, "You are amazing. Every single time, you never fail to amaze me."

Jin let out a soft chuckle, "What are you saying?! You're the experienced one. It must be the pregnancy hormones though. I've never been like this before."

"Really?! Hmm- come to think of it, you said you've only had one man and that's your late fiancé, is that right?..

We haven't talked about him that much. What is he like?! And-- before you say anything, I'm just asking this for the sake of knowing. Don't worry coz I'm not the jealous type at all. I don't compare myself to past relationships."

Jin held his breath abruptly, hearing that Jungkook wanted to talk about Namjoon. He's not yet sure if he's ready to share anything about him.

For a while, Jin almost forgot that Namjoon was somehow connected to Jungkook - as he was so focused at making their relationship work for their child. He's also gone deep into knowing more about Jungkook and his real personality. And most of all, Jin thought that this will bring him the happiness he's always been longing for, therefore it was all that Jin cared about.

But now that Jungkook brought it up, he's reminded once again of his initial purpose - and that's to stay beside Namjoon's heart- take care of it like he's always hoped for.

"I-- I don't think it's the best time to talk about it, Jungkook. Can we go to rest now?! I'm pretty tired." Jin said softly, hoping to avoid the conversation. So he got out from Jungkook's arm to go and clean up in the bathroom. But Jungkook held his hand gently, he said,

"I'm sorry. Did I say anything that ruined your mood? I understand if you don't want to talk about him. His passing was sudden, it might still be fresh for you and--"

"It's fine. My mood isn't ruined, don't worry. It's just that it is a long story to discuss and it's getting late. We should rest. I promise we'll talk about it some time." Jin forced a smile.

"O-okay." Jungkook let go of his hold, so Jin stood up and made his way to the bathroom. His whole aura then displayed a perplexed look on his face as he thought of how Jin must be feeling.

It was hard for him to guess whether he, himself, is that kind of man that Jin would marry and would like to stick with for a long time, same with his former fiancé - the mere reason why Jungkook asked about him. But Jin seemed to be sensitive about the topic, so Jungkook chose not to push anymore.


"Good morning, papa!" Hae-rang greeted cheerfully when Jungkook came into the dining room. Then she saw Jin walking behind his father, she also said, "Good morning too, Doc Jin!"

Jin was delighted to see Hae-rang's smile. He immediately felt his day was brightened by the little child's charming greetings, he said, "Good morning, Hae-rang! How was your sleep?"

"Good, thank you. Aren't we going to make cookies today for papa??" Hae-rang pouted as she noticed that Jin is all dressed up, like his father.

Jungkook kissed his daughter's creased forehead and took a seat, "Sweetheart, Seokjin is going to the hospital today to work. And you have school too, you'll be with your nannies today, okay? Then we'll have dinner together later. But Jin won't be able to join us too because his duty will end past dinner time."

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