21. Reality's Depth

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"Good morning!"

Jungkook said as he entered the kitchen where he found Jin. The latter turned around and greeted him back with a smile, "Good morning, Jungkook."

Jungkook came closer and pulled him in for an embrace. Then he smelled Jin's neck as he placed small kisses up to his shoulders.

"I'm disappointed to wake up without you beside me, baby. Can we go back to bed for a while?!" Jungkook whispered.

"No." Jin pulled away from Jungkook and raised his eyebrows. "Did you just ask me to move in here so you can fuck just anytime you want?!"

Jungkook pressed his lips together and thought for a while "Okay. I know it seemed like that, but no-- of course not. I just--"

Jin quickly turned around after he annoyingly rolled his eyes on Jungkook. The latter sighed, then he followed Jin who walked in front of the oven.

"Okay, sorry. I'll try to prove from now on that I am not just after that anymore.."

"Yeah, you should.."

Jungkook bit his bottom lip and tried to wrap his arms around Jin's waist, but the younger removed them quickly and pouted his lips - his eyes were just fixed at the oven.

Jungkook bit the insides of his cheek and let out another deep breath. "I have to admit, it's quite amusing to see you all snob and irritated. Are you not in a good mood, baby?!"

Jin sighed, then he spoke softly, "I got up early this morning to cook breakfast for you, but then a lot of food arrived after I showered. Now all I got to do was to reheat them. Great."

Jungkook chuckled a bit, then he pressed his body behind Jin and embraced his waist - tighter this time so Jin wouldn't be able to resist. "You are upset because of that?! I have my own personal chef, that's why. I've mentioned that to you.

Maybe you can try making breakfast tomorrow. It'll just be a good time as Hae-rang will have breakfast with us starting tomorrow. Would that be a good idea?!"

Jin slowly pressed his lips together and turned around to face Jungkook. He then said, "Okay. That's fine then. I just thought I'd be able to let you experience my cooking today. I'm okay now."

Jungkook smiled a bit, "You are cute when you're sulking."

"I wasn't sulking."

"Yes, you were."

"I'm no--"

Jungkook shut Jin's mouth by quickly pecking on his lips. Jin gasped a bit, but he smiled. When Jungkook saw this, he leaned in to capture Jin's lips once again.

As they slowly kissed, Jungkook's hands traveled down Jin's butt. Then the latter snaked his arms around Jungkook's neck.


The oven suddenly came on, so Jin quickly leaned back and went to the oven to take out the food inside. "Oohh! It's done. Sorry!"

"Ugh, really Seokjin?!" Jungkook whined.

Jin chuckled a bit, he said "Come on. Let's have breakfast please, before Hae-rang arrives." Jin placed all the food on the countertop and he gave Jungkook his fresh tomato-carrot juice.

Jungkook just sighed and took his seat across Jin. Then he drank his juice until it was half full. "This is good. Did the chef send this too?!"

"Nope. I whipped that up." Jin said, he smiled as he took his seat too on the high stool. "The chef noted that your drink is banana milk, which you have in the fridge. But I thought I'd let you try that. I always have that, and many other smoothies, as my breakfast. You know I always hurry to the hospital in the morning, so that's the fastest and healthiest thing to have."

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