You've been there for me and i'll be there for you

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So like this is somewhat of an AU of the main storyline, maybe or maybe not, well it depends all to the reader, if they have panic attacks or not.


It's been a whole year now... since the incident confession, sunny finally moved back in faraway town, kel, aubrey and hero finally forgave both basil and sunny, basil finally stopped avoiding us, it's been so peaceful for them, i also have my fair share of problems but i don't want to bother the others with it, it's my problem, i should be the one to deal with it.

It's a normal day today, i showered, changed clothes, and ate before heading out... this house, i used to hated it, not because of how it looks, but because of what happened inside it... it gives me shivers down my spine whenever i think of him... i hate the sight of him and all my  memories of him... i thought to myself as i gritted my teeth and frowned at the house before heading to the park, today is going to be a completely fine day...

As i saw both kel and aubrey already arguing with each other as basil and hero were the one who tried stopping them, while i saw sunny simply observing them while sitting on a bench, as i sat down on the bench, next to sunny, making him flinch to the sudden noise as we stared at each other in silence, while i blushed towards the direct eye contact without sunny noticing my blush too much, as both kel and aubrey finally stopped arguing and coming towards us with bright smile / grins on their faces, which made both sunny and me break the staring contest.

"Cmon, let's go to the hangout spot already since all of us are already here" aubrey said as she led the way towards the hangout spot, while still arguing with kel, but this time i was the one who attempted to break the fight, "Alright, alright.. break it up you two" you said in a jokingly manner "Oh cmon, you don't get to speak (Y/N), your as annoying as kel" aubrey said jokingly as she rolled her eyes "Hey aubrey! so not cool!" kel said as he crossed his arms in a way to show anger "Cmon (Y/N) knows i was just joking, they aren't dumb like you" aubrey said as she putted both of her hands on her hips to show arrogance "Yes but you still shouldn't say such things, aubrey!" hero said as he walked faster towards the arguing kel and aubrey alongside sunny and basil, as i only stood still after hearing what aubrey said.

Calm down..

Just calm down...

Aubrey didn't mean anything when she said that....

"Hey.. (Y/N), are you feeling alright..?" sunny said as he was walking towards you with a stoic face yet in his voice there was an obvious tone of concern within it "Ye-yeah im fine.." you stuttered before heading back towards the rest of the group while still having the feeling of sunny's eyes on you.


"since it's still early why don't we hang out at (Y/N)'s house?, well if that's fine with (Y/N) of course?" hero suggested with a bright smile on his face "Sure why not? i mean there's really no reason to refuse.." i said as everyone agreed with hero's earlier suggestion and off we go towards my house, "its our first time we've all been at (Y/N)'s house, hasn't it? we always visited sunny or mine and hero's house whenever we mostly hang out" kel said as he wandered inside the house "Yep, (Y/N)'s father never let us inside their house for some reason" aubrey said as she followed kel inside.

Father...huh? he once was my father.. when i was still naive and stupid to keep trying make him be an actual good father for once.. i thought to myself as i shook my head in order to focus on the others rather than these overwhelming thoughts..

As all of us we're talking in my backyard about planting some flowers to brighten up the backyard or something, i suddenly felt overwhelmed.. is it another panic attack..?

I am a good father

You should even be grateful, i even took care of you in the first place..!

You are just a big burden i had to carry on my back, you know

No, that's a big lie!, you took care of me only to insult me for every single thing i do! even the tiniest thing such as walking! i yelled at the thoughts inside my head as i rubbed my forehead in frustration, "(Y/N) are you okay?" basil questioned, attracting the others attention on to me with all of their faces with pure concern, "Im fine, i've just been having a huge headache that's all!" i lied in order to not attract more attention than neccesary "Why don't you just get some rest for now, while we figure out on what to do here?" hero said with pure kindness and worry "Yeah, i'll do that" i said as i walked towards my house and up to my bedroom door.

Now you're even faking, just to get attention?

Not only are you pathetic and useless but you're also a liar?

You truly are a useless child...

No! im not useless! i helped aubrey, basil, kel, hero and sunny! i cried as i yelled at the thoughts inside my head

Oh you think that's helpful?

What about mari?

You just stood there while you saw them frame her corpse..

And do you think what you did to the others.. was helping..?

How stupid can you get..

Aubrey is right you are just an annoying and useless child

I stood there, taking all of the insults to the head, letting it make me feel weak and pathetic, maybe i really am useless.. i sobbed on the floor covering my face before hearing a creek on my door meaning someone opened it, great... now they get to see me in this pathetic state.. why, why now..? as i could barely raise up my head to see who opened the door, as the hallucinations of my father kept insulting me, making me afraid to even look up and risking to see the haunting face of my 'father' only to be comforted by an embrace and being rubbed circles on my back in order to calm me down...

"W-who are y-you..?" i said barely making a sentence as i stuttered my words, making me feel embarrassed "Shhh..." the voice said quietly and gently making me feel more at ease as i raised my head, my head resting upon the shoulder of the owner of the voice only to see black raven like hair resembling sunny's... wait sunny!? i thought to myself as i immediatly pushed sunny away.. "Oh sunny.. do you need anything..?" i said looking away to make sure sunny doesn't see my puffy red eyes from sobbing "(Y/N) it's alright... i won't judge" sunny said as i heard approaching foot steps towards me as i flinched towards sunny's embrace once more "Let it all out" sunny said as i eased up and sobbed on his shoulder while he was gently shushing my cries

"Let's go outside.. the others might worry with both of us staying in too long" sunny said as he held out his hand signaling me to grab it, i grabbed sunny's hand "Don't you think they'll worry about my puffy red eyes more?" i said sarcastically "I'll just say you saw something scary" sunny said while cracking a small gentle and warm smile that made me somewhat blush a light pink tint on my cheeks, as i roll my eyes and me and sunny walked towards my back yard hand in hand.

Hello Author here! Thank you for requesting Pastel-here! but i will have to close requests now, i will only finish two more oneshots and those oneshots are mostly my ideas, oh and after the two oneshots.. i would probably finish this book but do not worry! i will be posting another omori x reader book! and there will be a sunny route! and another omori character route, but only two routes though..

I'll be there for you (Sunny x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now