Chapter 6

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As soon as aubrey and the hooligans ran away, you immediatly took sunny's knife. "Oh good going sunny- WAIT what are you even doing around a knife sunny!" as kel procedded to attempt to take sunny's knife it was gone "Don't worry kel i already took it and i'll be keeping it with me for now just for safety measures" you said with a serious look while giving sunny a death stare, the atmosphere was insanely awkward and even quite nerve racking but kel broke the silence by going up to basil and talking to him.

"Hey basil you alright??" kel said "Y-yeah im fine..." basil said nerviously.. "Oh and if you didn't know sunny's also here!" kel said happily and naively when the atmopshere even became more intense "S-sunny's h-here?..." basil said sweating even more than before "Yeah WOAH happy reunion!!" kel screamed naively not knowing the tension between these two, as they proccedded to stare at each others eyes.

You decided to step up forward and talk about another topic "So uhh basil wanna hang out with me, kel and sunny before sunny moves away?" you said not knowing there was consequences to what you said, basil became shocked like he didn't know about sunny moving away "I- Uh im sorry b-but i c-can't! i need to take care of my g-grandma...!" basil said "Wait basil we could atleast walk you home!" kel said while trying to smile"O-oh alright" Basil said nerviously "YAY!" kel said happily while walking away with the others only to turn around and ask you"(Y/N) you coming?" kel questioned with a confused face "actually kel i have to go aswell i have some things i need to do..." you said trying you're best not to sound nervous.

"Okay (Y/N) See you later!" you said while walking away from their sight as soon as you did you started sprinting to where aubrey and hooligans left... but yet to your luck you were unsuccessful, sure it was just a flesh wound and can be easily healed but considering the fact that the hooligans don't know much about first aid and also the fact that you know how her house hold condition is and her mother's neglectful attitude it even made you even more worried and overwhelmed with emotions..

But at the end of the day you were sweating intensely as you were running all over the place, now here you are at your house washing yourself since you don't want to smell like sweat all day unlike somebody, just as you finished dressing yourself you heard a knock on your door as well as a persons voice "(Y/N) you in there??" as soon as you heard the voice you knew who it was already.

"Kel do you need something" you said while having a stoic face "Oh yeah can you help us track down aubrey and try to get basil's photo album back?" kel said smiling nerviously, "How could i say no? i know how much that photo album means to all of us" you said looking down as you know you will now have to face aubrey and have to suffer a guilty consicence for not being there for her... after what happened in the park just knowing this makes you feel so overwhelmed.


"Hey isn't that one of the 'hooligans'?" you said blankly pointing at charlie "Yeah lets go talk to him! he might know where aubrey is!" kel said happily but as far as you know kel will be the one doing the talking. as kel was trying to convince charlie to tell us where aubrey was, he suddenly went to the tree behind us and punched it...? as he punched it, a person fell?? "WHAT'D YOU DO THAT FOR?!" the dude said angrily yet not very intimidating "AH If it isn't kel and that weird knife guy! worthy adversaries for the great and mighty angel" the dude said confidenly and weirdly... 

"Cmon angel we don't have time for this! we just want to find aubrey, do you know where she is?" kel said "So you seek aubrey? do you?-" you didn't pay attention to what he said all you knew was that he wanted to fight you, now here you are fighting them with kel and sunny and as expected you won "So angel? that's your name right? tell us where aubrey is" you said intimidately "A promise is a promise i suppose! i will tell you where aubrey is.... Aubrey is.. somewhere in faraway town.." angel said "How dissapointing is that really all you really know?" you said intimidately again this time successfully scaring the kid "Y-yeah i the mighty angel d-does not lie! If you wish to know more! y-you can ask master himself!" angel said.

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