Dreaming with you

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The timeline in this oneshot is 1 year after the mari incident but this unfortunatly does not happen in the main story, this is more of an au from the main storyline.


"Hey (Y/N), you going so early?" Kel said in a sad tone with a sad frown on his face "Haha don't worry kel!, we can always play some basketball next time!" i said with a smile on my face while waving goodbye to kel as i leave the basketball court at the park, towards sunny's house, as i walked towards sunny's house, getting ready to sleepover today.

Should i haved brought some snacks while me and sunny enjoy some cartoons? nah im pretty sure from my last grocery shopping, i bought tons of snacks and left them all at sunny's house, i said to myself as i knocked on sunny's door 2 times, and then a click that can be heard when a doorknob is being twisted, as sunny opened his door aswell as inviting me in his house.

And then the normal routine happened, we talked even though it was kinda one sided, we ate some of our snacks, we watched some cartoons (mostly spaceboyfriend) and finally we slept on the couch, but this time it was different, as soon as i fell asleep, it felt like i was falling...? but as soon i saw the ground, i readied myself for impact but instead i was just simply plopped on the ground...why though..?

As soon as i got up from my fall, i happen to see my skin, my skin was pure white while both my clothes and hair are seemingly black like i had a monotone shaded body, this wasn't like all my past dreams before, as i look at my surrondings, i could see a room without walls filled with a cat, laptop, sketchbook and a tissue paper, as i procceded to walk towards the 'room' filled with objects, i was so focused on the room that i almost tripped and fell on my face, when i looked back on trying to see what thing made me fell, i stumbled upon a gun...?!

What the...

Do you wish to obtain the gun?

> yes


You obtained a gun, a good self defense item, that is long ranged.

A gun... atleast i don't have to worry too much on danger now, as i procceded to walk towards the room, as soon as i did, the cat who was seemingly chilling came up to me and started purring on my leg, how cute, i thought to myself as i surveyed the area again, as i did, a door suddenly appeared..? you swore to yourself you did not see that door there before..as you hidden your gun in your pocket

Do you wish to open the door?



You opened the door with caution, unfortunately having to leave such a cute cat behind.

The world beyond the door is so different and so full of color, like actually.. as soon as you walked pass through the door and on the green grass, i looked behind me, only to see the door has already dissapeared, something spot my eye as soon as i started walking forward, it was a huge yellow cat beside what seems to be the exit to this place, as you walked towards the seemigly exit while having the feeling the cat was eyeing me as i exited out of a tree stump..?

This place is getting weirder and weider by the minute, i thought to myself as i procceded to walk forward, only to see several children playing on swings, monkeybars, slides and etc, i walked on the side to avoid as many eyes as i possibly could, but as i was walking on the side, someone tapped me on my shoulder and talked to me "(Y/N)! Where were you? we thought something happened to you since you weren't early at the picnic with mari and basil like where you usually are" Aubrey? said to me with a pouting face as she grabbed my hand and led me to a picnic blanket?, is this aubrey..? why does she have a pastel like body..? and why does she look like her younger self..i questioned myself as i shaked my head to get rid of these confusing thoughts.

"Hey guys! i found (Y/N)!" Aubrey yells happily as she sat down while also signaling me to sit down beside her, as i did sit down, i couldn't help but feel stared at, as i looked around only to see a boy who looked like younger sunny simply staring at me, as soon as we met eye contact, he stood up and suddenly walked towards me as aubrey made her way to basil.? and almost all of others made their way to basil to see the album except for the approaching boy who looked like younger sunny, as soon as he was close enough to me, he signalled me to follow him towards the tree stump, as i followed him out of pure curiostity.

He suddenly stopped at the tree stump and faced towards me, "You aren't supposed to be here...(Y/N)" the boy said with a blank expression "Who are you exactly?" i said with the same blank expression he has "I am Omori.., i am the dreamer's vessel" he said still staring at me "So is there any reason on why im here?" i said as i tilted my head "I suppose both of us do not know on why you suddenly came here.." omori said as he began speaking again "But you are not supposed to be here.. you will ruin the dreamer's dream, so oyasumi (Y/N)" omori said before everything in the world became pitch black.

As you awoke from your slumber in a cold sweat, oh it was just a dream... i thought to myself as i looked towards sunny's direction, only to see him still peacefully sleeping, he's quite cute i thought to myself before going back to sleeping again..

Author here! I almost forgot but thank you for requesting NightmareCrimson900!

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