Chapter 7

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As you felt the nails pierce through your skin making bleed and leaving little holes, you saw aubrey's terrified face before she fleed out of the church, without saying anything you also went out of the church to prevent any further commotion with sunny and kel right behind you                   "(-(Y/N)" sunny said while having a shaky and worry visible in his voice and also having a terrified face on sunny's face "(Y/N) we have to get you home... you're injured!" kel said with concerned with both in his voice and face.

"It's alright, kel we can just patch this up and i'll be fine" you said while smiling to try to ease their worry "Lets go then we wouldn't want to make your arm bleed anymore" kel said signaling you to walk and stay behind him as you guys were walking back, sunny kept glancing towards your wounded arm "Sunny quit worrying it's not like im gonna die just because of a simple wound like this" you said speaking softly as you signal sunny to hold your not wounded hand, he accepted happily as you guys walk hand in hand, you heard something.

It was aubrey throwing something in the trash with tears in her eyes as she went inside, kel spoke "Hey guys it looks like aubrey threw something in the trash!" kel said pointing to the trash "Obviously but what was it?" you said with a sarcastic tone "Let's find out!" kel said going towards the trash and rummaging inside it "Guys look it's basil's photo album!" kel said happily "Good to know, we didn't go through all of that for nothing" you said smiling towards kel "Cmon guys lets bring this back to basil" kel said running towards basil's house "Cmon sunny lets go!" you said smiling vibrantly towards sunny as you run with him to catch up with kel.

"Good you guys are finally here! i'll knock the door, Knock! Knock! Basil! its your friends! kel, sunny and (Y/N)!" kel said smiling vibrantly as the door opens you were met by a familiar woman "Oh (Y/N) nice to meet you again! but who might you two be?" polly said with a warm and nostalgic smile "Im kel, this is sunny and from the looks of it you already know about (Y/N) but you're not basil" kel said tilting his head in confusion "Oh im sorry! Im polly, basil's caretaker!" she said smiling at us.

"Hey kel, w-what is it?" basil said "Hey basil! look what we got here!" kel said grinning and showing the photo album to basil "Y-you got it? t-thank you.." basil said smiling a little bit    "Basil you didn't tell me you were gonna bring friends over, do you guys wanna join us for dinner? i always seem to cook a little to much" polly said smiling at us "Dinner? sure! sounds delicious!, cmon, (Y/N) and sunny! free dinner!" kel said walking inside of basil's house following polly as you followed him and polly inside.

"Please make yourselves at home! i'll go ahead and finish up the food!"polly said walking towards the kitchen "Wow it's been a while since i've been here! you've definetly have alot more plants the last time i've visited!" kel said in awe at looking at the plants "Ah.. yeah i like them alot actually, there's still some plants that are still alive when you guys last visited" basil said smiling "That's basil for you, plants and photos. Oh wait since we got you your photo album and all why don't we take a look at some of the photos in the album?" kel said

The photos..? weren't mari's photo blacked out? "I-i don't know.." basil said nerviously "It's been awhile since we looked through them, haven't it? Cmon, I'll be fun!" kel said not knowing there was something that happened to those photos... "Umm.. s-sure.. alright" he said looking at both you and sunny nerviously before going to kel and setting the album down, as your heart was pounding incredibly fast as each time they passed a page. there was not a single blacked out photo of mari but they were many that was missing as all of you noticed, it looked like the missing photos were mostly you and mari.

"Aw man it looks like many of the photos are missing, aubrey probably kept those photos, we'll have those back later" kel said pouting, as kel brags about how tall he is now, polly walks towards us "Sorry guys i didn't think dinner would take this long.. would any of you like to help me?" polly said with a sad smile "Oh i'll help i've gotta some tips and experience on cooking from helping hero!" as kel went with polly in the kitchen, sunny stood up and went upstairs with basil slowly following him excusing himself, as much as you wanted to follow them and satisfy your curiosity you knew you shouldn't because it would be invading their privacy.

I'll be there for you (Sunny x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant