Please don't leave me aswell

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This Oneshot can be in the timeline of anywhere between 2-4 years after the mari incident and yet again this does not happen in the main story line!

Sunny POV 

It's almost time when (Y/N) usually visits me, but today they didn't do that, did they forget or are they just running late..? they probably forgot... i guess it's just me today.., i thought to myself as i walked up the creeky stairs... and quickly going to my room and throwing myself on the bed and shortly falling asleep.

Welcome to whitespace

As i stood up, petted mewo, grabbed my knife and walked out of whitespace, only to see all my three friends playing cards while seemingly waiting for me, as aubrey turned around to see me with stars in her eyes as she heard my door closing and started running towards me as she hugged me "Omori, you're finally here!" aubrey said with happiness obvious in her tone of voice, while kel was yelling at her for ruining the cards "Aubrey, you messed up the cards!" kel yelled as he had a pouting face as the two argued while hero tried calming them down, turning this into a treasure hunting thing to find aubrey's stuff toy and finally we went to the playground.


As kel pulled aubrey out of the tree stump hole, we started walking towards the playground to see mari, basil and (Y/N)... waving towards us with smiles in their faces, as we all sat down in our usual places as mari gave us an idea of scrolling in the album, we all reluctantly agreed with her idea and started scrolling through the album, after we finished going down memory lane, we played some hide and seek with me being the seeker, as we founded everyone and had to fight 'Boss' in the process, we were finally off to go to basil's house.

As we were finally at basil's house after fighting some sprout moles alongside (Y/N), aubrey, kel and hero, "Finally! it was kinda tiring having to fight all of those sprout moles!" (Y/n) said stretching their arms "Yep, Definetly!" kel said agreeing with (Y/N) as he yawned before we suddenly heard a flash of a camera coming from basil's direction, as we finished chatting and finally went inside basil's house as kel was troubling basil with the photo album, making basil drop all the photo and making a basil finally picked up the last photo with (Y/N) being curious of the photo but before they could see it, everything went black once more..yet another reset..

As we walked towards the park once more, only to see mari..? where's (Y/N)..?, i know i didn't delete them.. so why did they dissapear.. i thought to myself as i resetted the world once more with the door to go to headspace not appearing again.. it only means one thing, time to wake up, Sunny...

I woke up being very hungry, as i walked down the stairs to get some steak since that's the only thing i really know how to make..after finishing all the steak, i can't help but keep hearing reapeatedly knocking on my door.. as i was still contemplating either to open it or not as the knocking did not seem to want to stop anytime soon.. i had to open it, only to see a worried kel at the door as kel started speaking to me "Sunny! Thank god you opened up! This is about (Y/N)! They... they're in the hospital.." kel said while looking at the floor with the same worried look...I nodded as this has never happened before..

As me and kel rushed towards to what i think is (Y/N)'s hospital room..only to see a terrified look on basil's face, a worried hero and finally an aubrey covering her face.. "Hero, why is (Y/N) in this state..?"kel said directly making eye contact with worried hero "They- they... tried to commit suicide..." hero said with obvious worry and sadness in his tone of voice as he did not attempt to even look at both me and kel in the eyes, suicide...? di-did they really commit suicide..? no no just a few days ago, they were so happy so full of energy...they wouldn't do that right? Right?, i thought to myself as i couldn't stop myself from shaking in fear, as i heard kel speak to me "Sunny... it's alright bud, (Y/N) gonna be alright..." kel said in a gentle voice as he procceded to put a hand on my shoulder to attempt to calm me down, it somewhat succeded as i felt that im no longer gonna have a panic attack, maybe it's because the way kel is trying to comfort reminds me so much of (Y/N)...

Me and kel procceded to sat down next to hero as kel believed sitting down near with both agitated aubrey and basil would only result in conflict, as we all waited in this uncomfortable silence waiting for the nurses to come out of the room and say some atleast good news, unfortunately several minutes turned into hours but none of us left, as we all wanted to be here for (Y/N), like how they've been there for one of the nurses came up to us in a rather relieved yet worried look in her face, she started to speak "I believe you are (Y/N)'s friends, if im correct?" she questioned us "Yes, yes we are, is (Y/N) okay....?" hero was the one who responded for all of us in a worried tone in both his response and face "Yes their completly fine, it was honestly a relief that the rope was only hunged after a few minutes or so, well that's what we assume to be, but the bad news is that... they are in a coma.." she said looking at us with a pitiful look.

"What!? How long are they gonna be in a coma for!?" Aubrey finally spoke in a angry tone yet still hinting sadness over the news as kel tried to calm her down alongside hero, as both me and basil only remained stunned and panicked over on our seats "We aren't really sure... this coma could turn into days, weeks and even months.."she sighed before procceding to talk again "But luckily we are sure that this coma cannot turn into years" she said before she procceded to leave us in order to calm ourselves.


"Hello (Y/N)..." a warm and gentle voice that is too familiar for you to forget said to me as i procceded to look around to find the source of the voice, after i did find who spoke of such a gentle voice, it made me tear up after seeing her after for so long..."Mari..." i said as i wanted to run towards her and just catch up with her...but i couldn't, my body wasn't moving what so ever, as mari procceded to slowly walk towards me with a nostalgic and yet warm smile.. the same smile i saw when we first met.. 

"I know you miss me (Y/N), i do too..and i really wanna catch up on what you guys are doing but.." mari said as she gave me a warm embrace with me bawling my eyes out on her shoulder, i miss her embrace i thought to myself, before mari then procceded to continue her sentence "(Y/N).. you aren't supposed to be here just yet.." mari said with a pitiful look on her face "W-what..?" i said looking at her with a widened look "It's alright (Y/N)... i'll always be there for you guys and i'll always be waiting for you right here... but now, it's not your time just yet (Y/N).." mari said as she kissed my forehead before everything went dark..

As i awoke in a cold sweat as i see sunny with a widened look as he procceded to hug me with gentleness as i also hugged him back, as he whispered words that made me feel guilty for even attempting to suicide "Please don't leave me aswell...(Y/N)" sunny whispered as i felt tear drops rolling off my shoulder.. "Don't worry sunny, i won't.." i whispered to him with a small smile

I hope this meets your expectations, Eli_The_Person! and thank you for requesting!

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