- That's how they lived for many years. They also tried to rise through the hierarchy on their own and actually did make progress, but it was too little for it to make a big change.

- It wasn't until they were like 30 or so that they actively tried to get along. It first started by passively aggressively helping each other brainstorm ideas to help their clans find some common ground.

Rui: Perhaps if we gave your type a book for once, an interesting conversation might spark and we might start finally getting along

Hanami, through gritted teeth: Well perhaps if your type stopped being such whiny and uptight jerks, we might actually start having some fun.

- It then moved onto putting those plans into action, therefore having to fake getting along to convince the others to do the same.

- So, as they started spending so much time together, they began picking up on certain traits about the other that they had overlooked all those years.

- Rui slowly realized that, although Hanami may act without thinking from time to time, she was pretty intelligent and resourceful and always managed to get out of the situation unscathed, and sometimes, with a very valuable advantage.

- Hanami on the other hand recognized Rui's ambition and determination to fight for their species and restore their power, which made her realize that, as cold as he may be, he really did care about those closest to him, and was willing to make many sacrifices to save vampires from humans.

- So, Rui started spending more time at home, hoping Hanami would be around. Little did he know Hanami was doing the same thing.

- Up until that point, the hierarchy and their political advances was the only thing they talked about. But, as they get more interested in each other, they start asking about their day, their likes and dislikes, and just overall wanting to get to know more about each other.

- They start admiring the other's vampiric powers. Hanami for example really likes Rui's mind control and the ease with which he does it. Rui admires Hanami's superstrength and speed, though he gets a bit jealous when she uses her vampiric alluring visage around others (of course he makes sure to keep this jealousy hidden under lock and key).

- Healthy Hanami and Rui made an unstoppable duo and finally managed to place their species quite high on the hierarchy. This was all thanks to bribes, connections and influence (the romantization of vampires in novels was also a huge plus 😂).

- Their past accomplishments are now a huge reason why they're currently considered the vampires' leaders, and are even treated like vampire royalty.

- It takes them eight years to profess their love for each other LOL. Hanami was the one to confess first. It wasn't as romantic as she would've expected since she ended up blurting it out one day when she was extremely tired. It came so out of the blue that it completely freaked Rui out, and he ended up turning into a bat without meaning to.

- Of course Rui made Hanami promise him to never tell a soul.

- Since vampires can't see their reflections, Rui has painted millions of portraits of Hanami. And just like in canon, he has also composed many songs for her. She's his muse and eternity.

- They were about 100 years old when they had Akiro as they focused on the hierarchy during their 'youth'. (Nowadays, they appear 35 or so).

- Whenever Rui gets his hands on hospital blood bags, he pours them into wine bottles cause he's that fancy.

- Vampire!Akiro and Vampire!Reader get along from the very start and act like any normal pair of siblings :)

- Vampire!Reader, who grew up in a healthy household, is definitely a daddy's girl. Vampire!Akiro is a momma's boy.

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