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* Penpals part 2. *
Setting: 1 week later.
Luke : * writing - Dear Julie , It's Luke again.Guess what ?! My band had a super cool gig. You should check us out one day..that is assuming we live in the same state. Or that you even like music. Anyway how has your art been going ? I'd love to have a Julie Molina original one day. Can't wait to hear from you.
- Lucas
Julie :* Responds - Dear Luke , That's great ! Maybe one day we could meet. And I love music! Performing not so much but maybe one song for you. Maybe. My paintings won at the school fair the other day. I recently painting a really good one. Good talk . -Julie.
Setting : Day 8 of letters.
Dear Julie , Today I went and bought a dope new six string. It orange. That's my favorite color. I also managed to get that college essay I was telling you about done. Thanks for the encouragement the other day. :) P.S. - waffles are still better than pancakes.
Dear Luke , That's so cool. Orange is a nice color. I'm so glad I could help ! :) P.S. - You're still wrong.
Setting : RANDOM Day bc I don't have the ideas for more letters.
Julie : A music festival in this weather ?
Flynn: It's L.A. we need to enjoy the cold while it lasts. * throws a clothes at Julie. *
Julie : Ugh. Fine but you're buying me food.
Flynn : Deal.
Luke : * going through clothes. *
Alex: It's four songs. We also have to be there early for sound check.
Luke : I know.
Reggie : Relax Alex he's gonna end up in a flannel anyways.
Alex : True.
Luke : Am I that predictable?
Alex and Reggie: Yes.
Luke : * eye rolls. * Am not. * grabs a jean jacket. *
* Part 3 where they meet to come soon. *

JATP Stories Plus Vol.2 Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang