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Julie : Well now that everything is out - we should probably figure out why we can touch all of a sudden.
Ray :You couldn't before?
Julie : Not even a high five.
Ray : Huh.
Carlos : Weird.
Alex : And our stamps are fading.
Julie : Woah. * looks. *  What about the jolts ?
Reggie : Its been a few hours.
Julie: Okay. So I think you 3 should probably stay h-
Luke : Absolutely not. We planned to support the three of you and Ray said we could follow so that's what we are doing.
Ray : I did say that.
Julie : Of course.
Luke :Plus we know what caleb looks like. In case.
Julie : True. Alright so let's get back to cooking I guess.
* they go in the house. *
Luke : * making the Marigold arrangement. *
Julie :How do you know how to do that ?
Luke : Internet.
Julie : Oh.
Reggie : Jules the outfit is ready. Come see.
Julie : * gets up amd goes to Reggie. *
Ray : * walks over with his pictures of rose. * So .* sits. *
Luke : Hi.
Ray : Have you two always been a couple or?
Luke : Oh uhm we aren't.
Ray : Interesting.
Luke : Why uh do you ask?
Ray : I've seen that look she gives you. I've also given that smile you do for her to someone. * holding picture. *
Luke : Its nothing.
Ray :Thats what I said. Then next thing you know I'm buying a ring. *shies on the picture. *
Luke : Yeah but I'm a ghost , being,  whatever so even if there was a chance it couldn't work and again your daughter is just my friend.
Ray : Right. Okay then.
At night....
Setting: Cemetery.
Carlos : * setting up. *
Reggie : * helping. *
Alex : * Lighting the candles. *
Luke : * walking. *
Julie : * goes over. * I told you it was gonna be long.
Luke : Oh no its not that. It's beautiful to see everything. It's a lot more than your dad mentioned.
Julie : Is that what yall were talking about earlier at the table?
Luke : Oh yeah. What d-did you hear ?
Julie : Nothing.
Luke : Well if you did that's what we talked about.
Julie : Okay. Just checking in.
Luke : I'm good. And you ? How are you feeling ?
Julie : Honestly, not sure yet. I'll let you know when that changes though.
Luke : Okay.
Carlos and Ray :* Sitting by her grave *
Julie : * near but isn't sitting. *
Reggie :Should w-
Alex : Let her ask us. That way we don't force it.
Reggie: Okay.
Luke : * watching. *
Rose :  Wow. They've all grown.
Boys : * surprised. *
Rose : Hello.
Reggie: Hi.
Alex :Hello.
Luke : Hi.
Rose : Its good to see you guys again.
Alex : You too.
Rose : Glad you guys found her. Thank you.
Reggie : You actually did send us to her ?
Rose : Yes.
Luke : Woah.
Rose : I wasn't gonna let three random ghosts watch over my daughter.
Alex : *mutters *One of us watches her more.
Luke :* glares. * I don't know why he's talking li-
Rose : Luke , you've already got Ray's approval that means you're good.
Luke : She's just my best friend.
Rose : Did he not tell you -
Luke : He did.
Rose : Okay. Anyways yes I sent you three. I knew she's was gonna need a strong force to help her where my sister and Ray couldn't.And from what I have seen you've done it.
Reggie : How come you haven't appeared to us before?
Rose : I couldn't. Not sure why.
Alex : I think we might though.
Rose : Good.
Luke : Are you gonna see them?
Rose : Maybe for a few minutes. 
*Part 3 arriving soon *

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