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*Part 3 *
Setting: A week later.
Julie : * heading to rehearsal. *
Luke :* walking there as well *
Julie : * avoiding him. *
Luke : *impulsively *Good Luck Jules !
Julie : You too Luke.* smiles and goes  in. *
Luke *sits with the boys. *
Julie :* sits with Nick but looks at Luke for a moment 😉*
Late r..
Mrs.Harrison: Alright kids , places. * sits at piano. *
* they get ready and rehear*se a duet then a group song
...At Night
Setting: Luke's house.
Alex: You should talk to her. Look at you .
Luke :I'm fine.
Reggie : Thats not what that sad  puppy dog face said at rehearsal.
Luke: I don't know what you think you saw but -
Reggie : We *points to Bobby & Alex. * saw chemistry.
Bobby : Yeah it was so clear you both are still hung up on each other.
Luke : She's with Nick. She's happy.
Alex : She looked over here earlier.
Luke : She's friends with you three as well maybe she was seeing if you needed something or how you were doing with lines. She's over me.
Bobby: Whatever helps you sleep at night bubs.

Setting: Opening Night.
Julie : * nervous. *
Flynn : You're gonna be great.
Julie : Thanks.
Flynn: But seriously where is he ?
Julie: Probably with his friends. Relax , he gave me those roses earlier.
Flynn : Hmm. Okay then. * looks at her. *
Julie : Flynn stop. Everything is fine.
Flynn : Fine.
Setting: On Stage.
* music starts playing. *
Julie : * sings. *
Nick :* nowhere to be seen. *
Mrs.Harrison: Oh come on. Someone find him before the next act ! Luke get out there !
Luke : But I'm-
Mrs.Harrison : Well now you're the star. Go.
Luke : Yes ma'am. * goes. *
Julie : * sings her part. *
Luke :* sings his. *
Crowd :* cheers. *
When the show is over....
Julie : * looks for Nick. *
Nick : Sitting near lockers*
Julie : So you just decided to skip opening night? With no warning ?
Nick : Last minute nerves. I'll be fine tomorrow.
Julie : How come you couldn't talk to me before ?
Nick : I thought I would be fine.
Julie : Doesn't answer my question.
Nick: I don't know.
Julie : * sighs. * You never do lately huh ?
Nick : Thats ridiculous. I talk to you about a lot.
Julie : LaCrosse should not be the only subject. That's not why I liked you.
Nick : Liked ?
Julie : I can't do this anymore. We're over. * walks off. Tearing up. *
Sunset Curve :* loading up into their car. *
Reggie : Julie looks sad.
Luke :*ignores and packs up. *
Alex: I wonder what happened. She was amazing.
Bobby : Wouldn't hurt to ask. * looks at Luke. * Hey Julie ! Come here.
Luke : Bobby ! What the heck ?!
Bobby: Shh. Someone's gotta talk to her.
Alex: Yeah.
Luke :Ridiculous. You weren't doing that for her.
Bobby: Maybe I was.
Reggie : Shh. She's coming.
Julie : * walks over. * Hey guys .
Alex : Hi Julie. Great job tonight.
Julie : You guys too. The basketball number was great.
Reggie : Thank you.
Alex : It's all in the wrist. * hand motion. *
Julie : *laughs. * It's something alright.
Bobby : Yeah. Oh Reg do you think you can look under the hood real quick ? That gasket is still wonky .
Reggie: Sure. Alex come assist me.
Alex : Okay.
* they go to the front of the car. *
Luke's POV- They. Did. Not.
Julie : So how have you been ?
Luke : Alright.
Julie : Oh.
Luke : Yeah. What about you ?
Julie : Not my best day.
Luke : Oh.
Julie : Yeah but uhm the show went well. Thanks for picking up Nick's slack.
Luke : Of course.
Julie : It was uhm nice hearing your voice again, singing I mean.
Luke : Thanks. Uhm yours too.
Julie : Thanks.
Flynn : Oh my gosh. Just get back together already!
Julie : Flynn why are you in that tree?!
Flynn : Because I can. Now continue.
Julie : Well I'm not saying no. What do you think ?
Luke : I think it's time to try again. * hugs her. *
Julie : Okay then. * hugs back. *
Alex : The van is already now.
Luke : I'll get you for that one.
Reggie : Hey we got you back together since yall were too chicken to do it yourself.
Bobby: So you should be thanking us.
Flynn : Yeah.
Julie : Maybe after we get food.
Luke : Yeah. Oh and after I -
Julie : No.
Luke :But he -
Julie : No.
Luke :Fine. Fine.
Julie : Thank you.
Luke : You're welcome.
Bobby: Anyways time for Tacos.
* they drive. Idk what I wrote lmao. *

JATP Stories Plus Vol.2 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora