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* Part 3 of Chapter 89. *
Setting: Cheer practice. A few days before the dance.
Julie : * getting ready to leave. *
Nick : * walks over. * Hey.
Julie : Hi Nick.
Nick : How was practice?
Julie : Good.
Nick : Thats cool. 
Julie : Yeah.
Sunset Curve: * walking from tutoring. *
Luke : * noticed Julie and spies. *
Reggie : I thought you didn't like her like that.
Luke : Shh. Can't hear.
Alex : Dude this is wrong.
Luke : Shh. He just asked her to the dance.
Reggie : Good for her. Let's go.
Luke : But -
Alex : Not her problem you didn't ask first. Let's go. * pulls him away *
Setting: Julie's house. That night.
Flynn : Thats so cute.
Julie : Right ? It was sweet.
Flynn : But -
Julie : For the last time I don't like Luke like that.
Flynn : Sure.
Julie : I don't.
Flynn : Not even a little part of you wishes he asked you instead ?
Julie : Nope.
.... Dance Day 
Setting: The gym.
Luke : * setting up the equipment. * 
Alex : You're not even gonna do anything?
Luke : You said it yourself not her fault I didn't ask first.
Alex : Since when do you listen to me ? Go get your girl !
Luke : Little late don't you think?
Alex : Don't worry Reggie and I made a plan.
Luke : Oh no. No I want no part in it.
Alex : Too late. Now here's my keys. * hands them to Luke. *
Luke :I hate you. * walks off. *
Julie : * putting on make up *
Luke : * knocks. *
Julie : * opens door. * Hey Luke. Is something wrong at the dance ?
Luke : Well kinda.
Julie : What is it ?
Luke : You're not there with me. * looks down. * And not as just partners. I mean as my d- date. But I also know you'd probably have a better time with Nick. Anyways I said my Peace. See you there. * starts walking. *
Julie : Luke wait.
Luke : * turns to her. * Yes ?
Julie : Save me a dance? Then we can talk after.
Luke : Okay.
.... later ....
Julie : * waiting outside the dance. *
Luke : * walks over. * Sorry the guys were tormenting me. Anyways what did you want to tell me ?
Julie : Well for one you're a really good dancer and two -* kissed him. *
Luke : * kissed back. * Wow.
Julie :* smiles. *
Flynn and Reggie : Aww.
Alex : Best day ever. 

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