84 ( ⚠️mentions of blood , dead animal )

172 8 6

Setting: School dance. 9PM
Flynn : Are you sure you're okay ? I know I said I wasn't gonna leave you but my mom has an emergency.
Julie : Its cool I'll find a ride. Go take care of it.
Flynn: Okay. Text me when you get home.
Julie : I will.
Flynn : Bye. * walks off *
... Later at an after party
Julie : * almost drunk.*
Sunset Curve: *notice. *
Reggie: We should go help her.
Alex : Yeah.
Luke : Okay.
* they go over. *
Julie :* stumbles into Luke. *
Alex : Well that was easy. I'll get her purse.
Reggie : I'll start the car.
... they get ready to leave.
Next morning...
Julie: * wakes up. * Where the fuck am I?
Luke : You were drunk so we couldn't just leave you. Oh but don't worry that's our spare bed.
Julie : Oh good. Phew. No offense.
Luke : Non taken. So whene you're ready I can drive you home.
Julie : Mind if I shower first ? My parents would freak if I went home like this.
Luke : No problem. * gets her towels. *
I'll be downstairs. * goes downstairs. *
Reggie : Well there he is. * cleaning his fingers. *
Luke : Dude why would you eat that when we have a guest?
Reggie : Its bacon.
Luke : Undercooked and with eyes ! Get rid of it.
Reggie : Fine. After this. * takes another bit. *
Alex : This is why I drink it in smoothies.
Luke : Ugh. You're both gonna give me a migraine.
Julie : * walks downstairs. * I'm ready to go.
Luke : Got it. * gets up. * You two behave.
* they walk outside. *
Luke : * opens car door for Julie. *
Julie: Thank you. * gets in. *
Luke : Of course. * gets in after closing her door. *
* he starts driving. *
Julie : * on her phone *
Luke :* turns on radio. *
Julie's POV - He's got the same mark as me right there. What does that mean?! Is he like a secret twin or something?!
Luke : We've arrived.
Julie : Thank you. I appreciate it. * gets out. *
Luke : Anytime. * waves. *
Julie : * waves and goes inside. *Sorry  I'm late.
Rose: Well you're home now.
Ray: Yeah. That's all that matters.
Julie : I should change. * goes upstairs. *
Rose :Her mark was glowing.
Ray : I noticed.
Rose : I know you're dreading it but it's time.
Ray: I know. * sighs. * Let's give her more  time though.

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