76 ( ⚠️ Panic attack. )

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* Carrie finds Julie in the middle of a panic attack before a gig. *
Setting: Venue of a music festival.
Carrie : * walking to her dressing room. *
Julie : * pacing. *
Carrie's POV - Thats Julie. Wow love her fit - wait is she okay ? Where's Flynn? Her band ?
Julie : * hyperventilating *
Carrie :* rushes over. * Julie you need to sit. * sits her down. * Stay here. * gets a wet towel and water. * I know you don't want to but when you're calmer drink this. Okay ?Now tell me something you hear .
Julie : * calms and drinks. * The food truck.
Carrie: Two things you see.
Julie : Uhm * shaking * I see the rainbow and uhm
Carrie : Its okay.
Julie : I see my mic stand.
Carrie:Now three things you can touch.
Julie : My bracelet, the coaster , and my song book.
Carrie: Good.
Julie : Thanks Carrie.
Carrie : Of course. I know how hard your anxiety can get you. Speaking of knowing you , I don't think you came here alone.
Julie : There was some issue with the instruments or something. They're taking care of it. It's been like 45 minutes though.
Carrie : Oh. Should I go find them? Or do you want me to stay ?
Julie: Stay. I can't be alone again.
Carrie : Okay. So what did you think of that calculus test yesterday?
Julie : It was brutal. The notes didn't even help.
Carrie : Right? Like why did we sign up for that ?
Julie : We're crazy I guess.
Carrie : * chuckles * I guess.
* they talk for a while more. *
Everyone else : * shows up like 23 minutes later. *
Julie: Well thanks again Carrie you should probably go get ready.
Carrie : Anytime. Good luck.
Julie : You too.
Carrie : * walks off. *
Flynn : What was that about ?
Julie : Well you were gone and I needed a friend.
Flynn : But her ?
Julie : Long story we need to get ready.
Flynn : Oh wow. Dodge the question.
..... after
Julie : * off talking to fans. *
Luke : And that's why Carrie was there.
Flynn :Oh. Well now I feel bad.
Alex : You should.
Reggie: Alex. Shut up.
Luke : I think it's nice to know someone else is out there looking out for Julie though. As much as I would like to I know I can't always be there to protect her.
Flynn :Simp.
Luke : Takes one to know one. * motions to Reggie. *
Flynn : I- no comment.
Julie: The van will be leaving without you slow pokes ! 5 ..
4 ...
Alex : Shot gun * runs. *
Reggie: Not fair !* follows. *

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