81 ( ⚠️language. )

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* Part 2. *
Setting: Luke's backyard.
Emily : Luke aren't you supposed to meet Julie? * holding Sarah. *
Luke : * fixing baby swing. * Oh crap !
Mitch : I'll fix this. 
Luke : Thanks. * runs out *
Julie : * Drinking a smoothie. *
Luke : * runs In. * I am so sorry.
Julie : Thats okay. I got you strawberry since you said it was your favorite fruit.
Luke : Thank you. So decorations?
Julie : I found some. * shows pictures *
Luke : Dope.
Julie : Its not too much ?
Luke : No. They're perfect.
Setting: Julie's house.
Luke : * knocks. *
Julie : * answers. * Come on in.
Luke: Sorry I had to bring her.
Julie : No problem.
... during planning
Luke : * writing *
Sarah : * can't figure out her tablet and starts crying. *
Luke : * sighs. * It was going so smooth. * gets up. *
Julie :  I got her. * goes over. *
Sarah : * still crying. *
Julie : * softly * Hey Sarah , can I see that please?
Sarah : Otay.* hands it to her. *
Julie : * fixes screen. * There you go.
Sarah : Thank you. * hugs her. *
Julie : You're welcome. * hugs her. *
Luke : * Smiles. *
Setting: School.
Luke : * waiting for class to start. *
Bailey : * goes over. * Lukey , I've been texting you.
Luke : Sorry I've been to busy raising my daughter.
Bailey : Our.
Luke : Thats funny.
Bailey : I carried her for nine months !
Luke : Only to leave her 2 neighborhoods away !
Bailey: Well thats in the past besides the holidays are approaching.
Luke : Oh no. I will not have this conversation here. You can speak to my lawyer. * slams locker. *
Bailey: You're being ridiculous. We don't need lawyers.
Luke : You might not but I do. You cannot  just come back in after everything you did! You left an infant.
Bailey : I'm young.
Luke : So am I!
Alison: No.
Julie : I wasn't doing anything.
Flynn : You were thinking about it. 
Julie :Was not.
Flynn and Alison : Mhhm.
Luke : * walking off. *
Alex : Should we -
Reggie : Let him blow off steam.
Bobby : I got his backpack. Let's go to class.
* the boys walk. *
After school  ...
Luke : * writing. *
Sarah : * asleep. *
Julie :* walks in quietly. * Hey.
Luke : Hello.
Julie : Should I come back later ?
Luke : No. She'll be fine. She's a very heavy sleeper.
Julie : Okay. * sits. *
Luke : So I think instead of a band we should have a karaoke machine.
Julie: Thats different. I love it. * writes it down. *
Luke : Plus is cost efficient.
Julie : Good thinking.
* later. They've got almost everything done so they're watching a movie. *
Luke : * lost in thought. *
Julie : Still thinking about what happened  school?
Luke : Oh you saw.
Julie : Yeah.
Luke : You must think im a mess.
Julie : Aren't we all ?
Luke : True.
Julie: Luke , I've seen you be a really amazing dad and amazing vp. And all though those are two different things you do them both with pride and joy. Any judge who let's the spoiled pos see Sarah is an idiot. You've got this.
Luke: Thank you.
Julie : You're welcome.
.... 2 weeks before the dance
Setting: School.
Luke : * at his locker. *
Bailey : Hey Lukey.
Luke: What do you want now ?
Bailey: Just wanted to give you this personally. * hands him paper. *
Luke : Bailey , this is the same day as the dance.
Bailey: Oh. I forgot. Well if you can't make it I'm sure the judge might understand. I mean priorities right ?* walks off. *
Setting : Julie's backyard.
Julie : Luke breath. This is exactly  what she wants from you a negative reaction. * painting the banner. *Besides I can handle the dance. You just need to deal with that bitch once and for all.
Luke : But - you're right. I just feel bad .
Julie : We've done everything else together  I can handle one speech at a school dance. Okay ?
Luke : * sighs. * Okay.
Julie : Now we gotta destress you. * smirks. *
Luke : What are you doing ?
Julie : * throws paint on him. * Try to get me Patterson. * runs. *
Luke : Oh my gosh Julie ! * runs after her. *
Julie : * laughs. *
Luke : * picks her up. * Got you !
Julie : Luke ! The paint is cold !
Luke: Exactly. * chuckles. *

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