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* Enemies to lovers. Rockstar Edition*
Setting : Award show. Back stage.
Julie : Thats not happening Rob.
Rob : Julie the label said. I know you don't like him but it's going to happen. It's only one song.
Julie: Ugh. Fine but I won't like it.
... elsewhere
Luke : Absolutely not.
Management : Luke Its not negotiable.
Luke : Whatever. This won't be fun.
Management : Look at it this way it will be a chance to start a new image.
Luke : Not with her it won't be.
Management: Just be here tomorrow morning.
Luke : Whatever.
Julie : MOM you don't understand.
Rose : I understand you and Luke are practicially adults and need to get over middle school drama. Plus this will help your career Mija.
Julie : But mom -
Rose : Don't wanna hear it. Now remember that you have to be there at 8am go get sleep.
Julie : Ugh. Fine.
Next Day _
Setting : The studio.
Luke : * already there. *
Julie : * walks in. *
Luke : Five minutes late ? I never thought I'd see Julie Molina late.
Julie: And I never thought I'd see Luke Patterson with brushed hair.
Management: Alright guys were all professional here. Now get to work. * walks out. *
Julie : * looking through her notebook*
Luke : * Looking through his. *
Julie : I'm surprised all your pages are filled without a braincell.
Luke : I'm surprised you still have time with you being so lame.
Julie : I can't believe I'm stuck with you again.
Luke : Like being stuck with you is any better.
Julie : I'm a joy to be around thank you.
Luke : Who told you that? Cause you're not.
Julie : * eye rolls. *
Luke : I bet I could come up with a better idea than you.
Julie : Considering you never could while we were in a band I doubt that.
Luke : Thats your problem you think people can't grow.
Julie : Well obviously you can't I'm about two inches taller than you. * chuckles. *
Luke : You're a menace.
Julie : You're annoying.
* Part 2 is going to be the backstory. *

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